XXIV - Court (part two) - Sparkles

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"These are all the offenses you've got, I suppose.." She fades her voice and Jeff nods, inexpressively. "They are, indeed, good. But Mr. Styles also seems to have good refutations for them, I must confess.

She puts the pictures aside and calmly speaks, "However, he did confess his guiltness." She looks blindly down to the desk she's sitting on, while her fingers are interwed in front of her mouth, pressing them on it as she thinks about something.

"May I object?" I suddenly say loudly before she could finish her sentece, standing up and raising one hand, having no idea where or how or why I got this sudden courage or whatever this is. All the heads present immediately turn to me, surprised, and I wonder if this is how it works, if I can actually do something just like this.

I instinctively glance at Harry, at his quick movement of standing up, after his eyes confirmed the suspicions his ears gave him, and making two officers rush to him to prevent him from doing anything he might be possibly thinking about.

My heart skips five beats at our eye contact and at the unusual stain under his nose, following along his superior lip. The guards sit him down again but he doesn't take his wide eyes of me. I only do it to look at the judge, at which she makes a move with her hand indicating me to step on the pulpit, that being the indicated place for me to talk.

It's while I walk that I look at Jeff as well, and no surprise as he adopted the sharp gaze he uses to deal with me, as he watches me.

"My name is Diana Brown, alleged victim." I claim as soon as I get up there and the room is suddenly filled with murmurs, at my words. I can't see anyone besides the judge, once being in the pulpit implies having my back turned to everyone else and face her. The sound quickly ends as she shouts "Order!" and I'm able to proceed.

"I wish to say that I am officially 18 years old, and as so, not a minor anymore. And despite the events having occurred while I was still 17, I too confess my own actions were completely of my own will." I stop a second, trying to avoid tears. "They still are, so, as the alleged victim and older age, I declare Harry Styles not guilty of these accusations."

I silence myself, fearing what is to come next. I attentively watch the judge nodding slowly as if my words didn't still fully reached her ears. I can also swear I hear Harry's heavy breathing, in the middle of the deafening silence in which we stand. Maybe he's also struggling to fight the urge to reach for me and hug me, just like me.

"Your Honor, it's obvious tha--"

"Silence!" The judge interrupts Jeff, thankfully preventing me from doing it myself. I brush my hair back, now longer than I'd like it to be, nervously despairing for the judge to say anything.

"Very well... After your confession I don't see any purpose in arguing anything more, since you are the victim yourself." The judge gives me an experimental look as I contain myself from saying I'm not a victim and don't like to be called that in this context.

But it would be inconvenient so I just purse my lips and blink a little longer than usual, making her understand that there's no need in trying me, unless she wants me to burst. She takes a deep breath and finally adds "So I, as well, declare Harry Edward Styles not guilty of all charges..." I freeze for two seconds waiting for her to finish the verdict "...and this case dismissed."

Instantly, I turn around to Harry, my heart almost jumping out through my mouth. His eyes don't seem to have been taken off me in any moment, as well as they don't seem to have blinked the whole time, seeing their redness.

I run through the small distance between us. There's no need to run, but I have to and I don't care if I'm not supposed to run in court or not. All I care in this moment is to have Harry in my arms again.

I fail in wrapping my arms around his neck softly and he only replies to it a second later, when the handcuffs are finally taken away from his wrists. He does it with a quick move as well, making me let out a gasp at the impact. We secure each other stongly and passionately, at last, saying everything without speaking a single word at all.

I don't even ear the people moving around to get out and return to their lifes, as well as I only realise the guards still standing next to us when one of them speaks "You still have to come with us."

We separate at them pulling Harry's arm and I send them a confused look, mutting a what?

"You can wait outside." One of them says, seeing my reaction, and I soften my frown understanding whatever it is, wouldn't take too long. So I nod and step away to let them pass, while taking a glace at Harry. All the depression, pain and whatever other negative feelings I've been having, simply drift away, as I see his happy teary face, as if they've never been nothing at all.


I keep walking back and foward, in the entrance of the building, thinking that it's been too much long and I'm struggling to wait any longer. I wanted to wait outside to breathe the fresh air now with happy lungs, I want to know how it feels like again. But I can't. Obviously, there's a crowd of people; fans and paparazzi, waiting for Harry outside. I'm not sure if they see inside or not, but they're a bit unexpressive, so I assume not. At least.

Finally, a door opens and shuts somewhere in the corridor. Of course I snap to it, and an ocean of happiness as I never felt before collapses on me, as Harry gracefully walks in my direction, smirking at me with sparkles on his greens. He changed his clothes to simple shorts and a sleeveless shirt tucked into them, and brings a sports bag hanging on his shoulder. Is it me or his muscles are bigger than usual? Muffled screams are audible outside in the moment Harry reaches me, increasing a little when we hug each other with the same eager as before. 

"I'm sorry, Sunset." I sigh, and my tears don't hesitate in making themselves shown after months of rejuvenation. He sighs too, maybe sensing them in my voice and replies:

"It's not your fault.."

"It is." I interrupt, separating from him to look through the windows to the people outside. It's night by now, and that just becomes the second thing that makes me want to get out of there.

"Let's go home." I tell him, turning to see he followed my gaze and pulling him by his hand after a moment apreciating his face so close to mine. How I longed for this moment, sure it would never come...

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