XIV - Beach Side (part one) - Bar

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I take a deep breath and rub my face on the pillow, waking up in the next morning. The pillow has a different smell, kind of like Harry's, I would say.

"Good morning, Sunrise." He says calmly next to me, with his raspy morning voice. I open one eye to look at him and make sure he's really there. Seems like he has been awake for some time but preserved himself laying on his stomach, facing me. His green eyes are bright due to the light coming from outside and give me butterflies as I see them welcoming me to a new day.

Embarrassed, I turn my head the other way, trying to hide my shy smirk from him. "Hmm, Sunrise.." I mumble, repeating the nickname he gave me to myself. I like it. At that, I feel him shifting a little closer to me, almost mumbling as well, "Yeah, see.. I like the sunrise."

I jump to sit on the edge of the bed when those words are spoken too much close to my ear, afraid that he could go anywhere farther. I rub my face a little more as I hear him sighing and lazily laying down again.

"I need to pee." I unnecessarily say, standing up and walking out of the room, glad that I had an excuse to go somewhere else.

Minutes later, I head to the kitchen after going to my bedroom to pick up my phone. I haven't gone to Instagram or Internet in general quite in a long time, and I wonder how things have been since the last time I did. Instinctively, I google"Harry Styles and Diana Brown" hoping that will lead me somewhere. This time I open the images section. Slower than usual, I open the kitchen door and and walk inside as I see pictures of me and Harry in all the places we went to, three days ago.

"Something wrong?" Harry's mouth-full voice directs to me from the kitchen table. He must have sensed it in the way I'm walking slowly and frowning, not taking my eyes of my phone.

"Yes. I'm fat." I say seriously, placing my phone harshly on the counter and gathering the ingredients necessary to make myself a sandwich. Harry almost chokes at my words, "Fat? Who said you're fat?"

"The paparazzi." I say quickly, making sure I make my disapproval noticeable. I feel him frowning and getting up without having finished his breakfast. He stops next to my locked phone, "Can I see it?"

I glance at him over my shoulder and nod, telling him my code so he could do it by himself. He scrolled through the images for some time before putting the phone down again. He approached me slowly, saying "You know, those pictures don't really match reality."

I chuckle sarcastically, "Yeah, right. My mom always tells me the same. I don't belive it."

I was about to take my finished sandwich to the table with me, but I'm stoped by the feeling of his arms delicately running around my waist as he attaches his front to my back, resting his chin on the top of my head, saying "Everyone has their own beauty." I freeze for some moments trying to process what is happening as he adds "And I like yours."

I wide my eyes as my heart races a bit and I manage to escape from him. It wasn't hard since he intrepered well my movements and easily let go of me. I glance up at him not being able to figure out his gaze, and I finally do what I was about to as if nothing had happened.

I don't feel uncomfortable or bothered by him and those moves he decides to make once in a while. I just can't handle it, because it feels weird. We have nothing between us for me to happily let him and give it back, I think. But, in the other hand and dispite my reactions, I feel so good with him expressing whatever he feels about me, and I kind of feel sorry for him at me not being able to express the same. I don't even know if I'm supposed to. This is all so confusing and overwhelming to me and I hope he understands it.

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