XXXI - Stars (part one) - I Never Wanted The Stars

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I lean my head back on the seat and look at him, driving next to me, focusedly frowning at the road.

"I saw you." I claim with a mischievous hint, narrowing my eyes and smirking at him, remembering our evening and the circumstances it went by. The last couple of days have been pretty busy in its all. Yesterday, after we came to terms that my suggestion was indeed the one that made the most sense, Harry just then focused on finishing the production of his songs, and the album itself, in result. So now we can fully work on ours to have both ready when the time comes.

Then, around dinner time, a friend of him called, inviting him to hang out with him and the guys on the next day - which was today. Harry got all hyped about it because they haven't seen each other for quite some time now, undestandably, and I too was so happy for him. I told him it would be better for me not to go so he could enjoy the time without having to worry about me. But he told me he'd be even more worried if I stayed home alone and that the guys would bring their girlfriends too. So I eventually gave in, not being able to handle the smirks that formed in our faces when he acknowledged me as his girlfriend.

In conclusion, we didn't work today because we spent the day shopping. Harry actually went to sleep pretty late last night because he wanted to take care of everything Tiffany asked him to, so that he could be free today. So we also woke up late, which ended up being the perfect timing to shop everything we wanted in the right time to get ready and go meet his friends.

A little road trip to get to the restaurant, almost out of the state, and we spent it listening to Harry's album, making sure everything was as he wished. I couldn't stop swinging my head at the rhythm of the songs, even the slower ones, neither I could stop myself from claiming how good they were, every once in a while.

"Did you?" His expression suddenly changes into one similar to mine, his eyebrows relaxing drastically and the corner of his lips turning up, seeing the course the conversation is taking.

I noticed his friends calling him back to Earth because he seemed to be blinded by my sight and couldn't focus on anything else. And I saw the way he was doing it, either biting or pinching his lips while sending me heavy seductive gazes. And I still don't know why he was doing it, he was so excited to meet his friends and ended up being distracted most of the night, when I wasn't even doing anything for him to.

At first I wasn't doing anything, but as I noticed him, I started to do the same to him, just to provoke. I don't know if I did it right or not, but every time I did he smirked and pursed his lips, trying to contain something.

"Yeah, I saw the way you were looking at me." I say, still narrowing my eyes as if daring him, expecting him to say anything about it. Mostly, why was such thing happening.

"Well, what can I say?" He shrugs, falsely unbothered, and keeps smirking.

"Maybe what were you thinking about?" I dare him and he purses his lips and blinks slowly, thinking for faint seconds before speaking.

"I'll tell you when we get home." He does very lowly and deeply, succeeding in causing some kind of spark inside me. And, unfortunately or not, it is enough to light the fire. I stare at him, his persuasively slow words still dangerously wandering around my ears.

Everything that can possibly happen crosses my mind and makes my head spin. I feel a sudden eager, which I don't think I can hold that long.

"Why don't you tell me right now?" I reply also lowly and not so mischievously as before as I lost total control of it. But I still manage not to speak in a hard sigh, still doing it softly instead, trying to get him to notice my slight urgency. He seems to do so as he snaps his head to me and studies my wondering gaze on him for some seconds before turning to the road again, not saying a single word.

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