XIII - Studio

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We're in the same black car that brought us from the airport three days ago, with the same driver, me, Harry and Jeff all in the same seats, heading to a studio somewhere.

I haven't quite gathered the courage to look at Harry properly yet, after last night. His aura also feels bothered in some way I do not dare to try to understand which. I fear that we're both going to stay like this forever but I also don't know how to change it.

I'm looking out of the window but I feel a gaze on me. To see where it is coming from I look to the front of the car to see it's not Jeff, not even thinking about the possibility of it being the driver. My peripheral vision, though, confirms me the only option left. I turn my head to the window again with that acknowledgement.

"Hey.." Harry calls me whispering, trying to get his voice from reaching the two other persons besides me and himself. I turn my head ahead again to let him know I'm listening, although I do not dare to meet his greens. "Look, I'm sorry about--"

"It's fine." I interrupt, not quite being able to hide the dryness in my voice. I still feel him wondering for my eyes.

"We both know it's not." Some second of silence between us before he sighs and adds "I thought you... wanted."

I slightly wide my eyes at the realisation and finally turn my gaze to him. He's looking down at his hands, with a frown on his face that ends me. "Do you?" I ask as gently as I can seeing that situation is also bothering him. He doesn't answer, telling me that probably he does want whatever it is.

I take a deep breath mixed with a sigh and brush my fingers trough my short hair in an helpless and nervous way, leaning my head back on the seat and closing my eyes. I can't even put the two and two together because I refuse to belive in them being four. "What the hell, Harry.."

"What are you two talking about back there?" Jeff's voice snaps from the passenger seat making both me and Harry jump on our seats. Apparently he's been attentively listening to our conversation, or at least trying the best he could, and the sharp gaze looking at me from the rearview mirror tells me he's somewhat unhappy about not understanding what is going on.

"Nothing to do with you, Jeff." Harry says in a equally sharp voice beside me and no one ever spoke again. Thankfully, not for too long, because, about five minutes after, we were parking next to our destination.


"Alright, I've been thinking and I wanna record a Fine Line version with both our voices." Harry directs his words to me slowly and carefully, but letting the other people in the studio hear as well. There's me, Harry, Jeff and two producers in a dark room filled with microphones, wires, a big mixture table and screens next to it, an old sofa and also a coffee table next to it. The room is so busy that it's hard to move aroud without stepping on a wire or bump against something, and it is a dream come true for me.

I enjoy so much being like this in a studio about to sing and play and record. I totally feel in my element and, as the seconds pass by, I feel more and more sure that this is me, this is what I want.

To be honest, I still expected more of my first time in a place like this with Harry Styles. But now that there's the new information implying that Harry himself, somehow, feels... things for me, it absolutely feels weird between us. It also seems unreal and it probably is and, as always, I'm taking foregone conclusions at something I'm not sure about. Because he didn't really give me a confirmed and official answer of what is going on, he simply didn't say anything and that doesn't mean anything.

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