XV - Beach Side (part two) - No One Needs To Know

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"I need some fresh air." I say at Harry's ear so that he can hear me well. Without waiting for him, although he immediately stands up and goes to pay the bill, I step outside and intake as much fresh air as I can. That feels good.

By the time he gets out as well, I am already sitting in the edge of the side walk, on the opposite side of the street, facing the dark beach in front of me, listening to the waves, my own breathing, and the muffled sounds coming from the bar. Surprisingly, there's very few people and cars outside so it isn't hard for Harry to spot me and come to sit on my left.

We stay in silence for minutes until I take a deep breath and decide to speak my thoughts to him, "There's a song that reminds me of you, as well."

I keep looking ahead, at the dark, but not really seeing anything in specific. My accurate peripheral vision, once again, allows me to see him turning his head to me in a wondering move. I take my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, unlock it and open my playlist to search for the song, while saying, "It's not even for the lyrics, to be honest. It's more like... the way it sounds. I don't know why, but it makes me think of you everytime I hear it."

And with those last words I press play and RosyIn, by St. Vincent and Bon Iver, starts playing. I land my phone between us with his eyes following it to see what song am I talking about. After that, I look down at my hands, unconsciously kidding with the sleeve of the cardigan, while he does the same, but instead looking at the sand underneath our feet, more focused on listening to the song than I expected.

"I've never heard it before." He says calmly, after the fist lines. The first chorus eventually comes in and his hand sweetly brushes my hair and takes it behind my ear, while his voice continues, lowly, "It's really beautiful, though."

I let myself be dragged by his obvious actions and, seeing he got what he wanted, he starts to slowly approach his head to mine with his hand gently resting on my jaw and neck in a way that his thumb slowly rubs my cheek. I let him, for moments, but right before our lips touch I push myself away from it.

He sighs, taking his hand from me and running it through his hair in a frustrated move. "I don't get it." He says, letting his hand fall harshly on his thigh before pulling the sleeves of his t-shirt up to his elbows and looking at me, trying to get some explanation. "Why is it that you literally show me you want this too, but when I do something for it you get away from me?"

I know he's bothered and I understand him perfectly. I fight my need to cry at the broken tone of his voice and at the reality that is my answer, "Because this is wrong, Harry." I say, finally snapping out and speaking the truth I've been holding for a while.

"Isn't it obvious?" I rhetorically ask at the slight frown forming on his face. "I'm sixteen... and you're practically thirty."

He finally seems to understand the issue as his face turns to its normal, almost seeming like he's about to smile. He's making me feel like I'm making a bigger deal out of this, and maybe I am, but it still pisses me off.

"You're seventeen."

"It's the same fucking thing!" And I can't hold it anymore, the more I want to. I start to see everything blurry and my nose starts to feel stuffy. "Uhh, fuck!" I angrily say, sick of my lack of control in my emotions and whipping my eyes furiously. Harry stays quiet, waiting for me to calm myself down.

"You know what? Maybe it is wrong in other poeple's point of view." He speaks gently, not risking to burst my emotions again, although I still sense determination in his words as he adds "And if that is the problem... then no one needs to know."

He expresses a smirk as I look at him, but I'm not so convinced yet. "I'm not sure, Harry. I mean... would it be that easy?" I really want a concrete answer and so, he looks behind us, to the avenue and the buildings on the other side. It is still early but, for some reason, there's no one to be seen around. Then he turns his head and looks for something in the beach itself.

"Come on." He says, happy with the results his eyes gave him, jumping from the edge of the sidewalk to the sand and giving me his hands to help me do the same.

Of course, I grab my phone, stop the song, lock it and put it on my back pocket again. I don't even ask where he's taking me, I just hope it has nothing to do with the water. I hate the ocean and everything it has on it, so the far I am from it, the better.

I struggle a little to follow his steps, with all the sand and, as we walk, the light becomes lesser and lesser. So I grab his arm, afraid of losing sight of him and making him walk a little bit slower.

We finally arrive behind some big rocks on the edge of the beach, which is considerably far from our previous spot.

"See? No one can see us in here." Harry says, genuinely smirking, turning to face me and continuing to walk slowly backwards until his back gently hits on one of the rocks. At that, he grabs my waist and passionately pulls me to himself, placing me between his legs, which, gladly, makes him a little less tall and a little more... accessible.

"Did the song end already?" He asks, a while after we allowed ourselves to just remain holding each others bodies, making me smile as I feel the vibration of his voice resonating, along with his heart beat, inside the chest I'm laying my head on. I just nod, too weak to be able to form a sentence as I feel his hand going for my phone and taking it out of my back pocket, "Put in on, I want to hear it again."

I sigh, unhappy about having a reason to move away from his chest. I take my phone from his hand and do all the process needed to accomplish his require before handing it again to him and returning to my previous position. He returns it to my back pocket, as well, and we stay in silence again, listening to the song.

Not long after, I detach only my head from him, trying to take a look at his face. Thankfully, my eyes got used to the lack of light meanwhile, so I clearly see he leaned his head back on the rock and closed his eyes, at some point. My heart races as I can't fight the urge of placing the sweetest peck I can on his gracefully slightly bended neck, well aware of the effects that action may have on him.

He parts his lips, taking a slow and deep breath before detaching his head from the rock to look me right in the eyes.

Don't let it fool you

He kisses my cheek in reply.

Don't let it fool you

And I kiss the corner of his lips.


Finally, our lips meet properly, moving along with each other, perfectly matching the slow rhythm of the song, with him holding my head from underneath my hair, something I just figure I like.

Dancing around

Two more moves after and before separating not even an inch.

Folds in her gown

One long final kiss.

We simply look at each other, with racing hearts and heavy breathings, too amazed to be capable of saying a single word.

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