#5 Sunagakure

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Baki was patrolling the walls of Sunagakure when he felt a massive chakra spike a few kilometers into the desert. Looking at the two chunin with him, he saw that they had felt it as well, both waiting for orders. Flaring his own chakra he summoned the squad of Anbu that were on patrol at the moment. Moments later the four masked shinobi appeared behind him, kneeling.

"Have you felt the chakra spike just now?" Baki asked, earning a nod from the leader of the squad.

"Go and find out where it came from. Bring anyone you find connected with it directly to me." The commander of Anbu ordered, watching as the men jumped from the wall and made their way through the desert.

Another Anbu suddenly appeared next to him. He immediately recognized that the shinobi was one of the Kazekage's personal guards.

"The Kazekage wants to see you at once." The Anbu confirmed what Baki already suspected. After a nod the Anbu disappeared again.

"Keep watch for the squad I sent out, get word to me immediately when they get back." He ordered the two chunin that were still standing behind him, before he too disappeared in a cloud of sand.

The first thing Naruto heard was the muffled voices of people. Trying to move he found himself being strapped to a table, the rest of the room dark.

"I don't know, I have never seen a seal so intricate." The voice became clearer as the door opened. The person entering was a young female, wearing a nurse's uniform. She turned on the light before she turned around to face Naruto. Seeing the blonde looking at her, she quickly backed out of the room again, closing the door and telling the two people outside something. The blonde boy couldn't understand what she told them, because she had closed the door on her way out.

He didn't have to wait long before the door opened again and two men walked in. One of them had his whole head covered in white cloth, leaving only his face visible, he was wearing a green brown flak jacket and black pants. The other man was wearing the same clothes Hiruzen Sarutobi wore, meaning the standard Kage attire, only his accents were in green instead of the red Konoha would have had. Because of the history lessons in the academy Naruto knew that the green accented Kage belonged to Sunagakure. It made him smile a bit seeing that he had somehow made it to the village.

"I see you are awake." The Kazekage stated.

"It would seem so, Mr. Kazekage." Naruto replied.

"What is your name, son?" The Kazekage asked, pulling a chair from the wall and sitting down next to the table Naruto was lying on.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"Alright Naruto, I am Rasa. As you correctly observed, I am the Kage of Sunagakure. Can you tell me, how you came to faint in the middle of the desert?" The man asked, taking off the hat he was wearing, revealing his brown spiked hair. Thinking back to the last thing the boy remembered he was stumped.

"I don't remember. The last thing I remember is grilling some fish I had caught in the land of fire." Naruto answered, his head hurting.

"You fainted from chakra exhaustion a few hours after we crossed the border to the land of wind. I took over and walked until I was sure that Suna would detect my chakra, spiked it and waited for someone to come. I released my control when I felt someone coming close." Kurama's voice rang through his head.

"Well, why were you in the land of fire? What is a kid like you doing outside of a village without his parents?" Rasa asked again.

"I was a citizen of Konoha, but I got banished and had to leave. As for my parents, I am an orphan." Naruto began.

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