#62 Revenge

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"Naruto." The voice repeated, growing weaker every second. The blonde knew what he would see when he approached the crater of his jutsu, the bloodied body of his girlfriend already in his mind as he took the first step.

In the middle of the crater lay Fuu, her chakra cloak still active but flickering, as her eyes stared into the sky, the rest of her body not moving. Blood was covering everything around her, the Rasenshuriken's needle-like chakra spikes having penetrated even through Chomei's chakra shield.

Naruto quickly made a shadow clone as he sensed the five remaining Rinnegan users move again.

"Already on it." Kurama stated, Naruto's mind not even having enough time to ask the question. An incredible explosion of chakra went out, Naruto feeling the energy and hate of the Bijuu's chakra flowing through his system. Without a second thought, he took off, his hands flying through hand signs as the orange cloak of Kurama's chakra formed around his body.

Shooting a string of fireballs at his enemies, he felt the cloak completing and grinned evilly as he felt the power in his system skyrocket. In a burst of speed, he disappeared from everyone's view.

In the back of his mind he realized that the clone he had sent to Fuu had taken her away from the battlefield, although she lived, the clone could not say if she was going to survive until a medic could attend to her, hoping that Chomei would be able to at least stabilize her for the time being.

Completely letting go of his restraints now that there was no chance for collateral damage in the area, Naruto appeared before one of the Akatsuki, his hand already outstretched, a kunai embedded in his skull. The man fell to the ground, the mechanized parts of his body rattling until they stopped moving. The rest of the group looked shocked, since he had been almost invisible because of his speed, they couldn't even react to the attack.

Watching the lifeless body fall to the ground, Naruto's eyes narrowed, feeling the release of chakra. He jumped away, narrowly avoiding a fireball that was merely there to drive him away, giving the four remaining shinobi a window of time to reorganize and regroup.

The blonde landed a few meters away, his chakra cloak glowing with power as his red eyes watched the group of four stand before him. Nobody moved for a long second, before Naruto disappeared again, leaving only a yellowish afterimage.

This time however his opponents reacted quick enough, their formation ever changing as they jumped around, deflecting kunai strikes and using the gravity ability of their leader to push him away.

Charging another time, Naruto again gathered chakra in his hand, the familiar spiraling ball forming as he dashed around the group, circling them as he searched for an opening to attack their leader. When they stopped for a second, he thought he had found that opportunity. Dashing forwards again, he threw his jutsu, smiling as he saw that the man didn't move. However, a figure landed in between his jutsu and it's target, although Naruto didn't really care since it would be another one of them down, no matter what.

What he didn't expect was for the blocking man to raise his arm and the Rasenshuriken to simply be absorbed. Narrowing his eyes, he threw another two jutsu at the shinobi, watching as they got absorbed just as quickly and completely. There seemed to be no delay like with the gravity ability. Jumping away, he dodged a hail of kunai from the tallest of the group as they reformed their formation with the chakra absorbing shinobi at the front, the leader at the back and the summoner at the left. The only one that didn't appear to have any real outstanding ability was the one on the right that had thrown the kunais.

"I know his ability, he is able to read minds, but that is not really useful in a fight so he is basically a normal shinobi." Kurama's voice sounded through his mind as Naruto threw a series of kunai at and around the group, making them scatter a bit more. All of the kunai had his flash seal prominently featured on their grips, something that he was sure the group had noticed as they scattered, since they didn't scatter as much as he had wanted them, still staying close enough to defend each other if he chose to flash towards one of them.

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