#64 Warhawk

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"So you defeated Pain." Danzo didn't seem overly impressed by the demise of the rinnegan user. Hiruzen seemed relieved by Naruto's arrival, the old man's face glistening with sweat.

"I did." The blonde answered looking at the man with the sharingan eyes in his arm. It threw him off a bit, seeing the display of genetic manipulation but he quickly got over it, knowing that there was nothing the ocular powers could do to him, since Kurama would detect and dispel any illusions that would be cast on him. What intrigued him more was the fact that almost all of the eyes that were embedded in the arm were closed. He had read somewhere that a Sharingan user didn't have to close his eyes ever, only doing so out of habit and to sleep. It didn't make sense to him that the man would close these eyes.

"There is no chakra going in or out of the closed eyes anymore." Kurama said, the biju scanning the whole body of the warhawk to see if he had any other hidden eyes.

"He also has a sharingan implanted behind his eyepatch, the ones that are open are still connected to his chakra network." The fox continued, making Naruto nod slightly.

"Need a break?" He asked, looking at the armored Hokage.

"I could use a hand." The gray haired man admitted. Naruto smiled slightly at that, taking out his three pronged kunais. He saw Danzo's eye narrow at the sight of his kunai and the old man quickly jumped away as he threw the weapons at him, dodging all of them rather than blocking.

"So you know." The old man simply stated, more to himself.

"I do." Naruto agreed.

"If you do, why didn't you come back?" Danzo asked.

Shaking his head, the blonde sped through a few hand signs, firing a barrage of wind bullets at the former advisor. He wouldn't let himself get drawn into a discussion and risk being caught off guard. Danzo seemed to get the message and shot back with a string of fire bullets, driving the teen towards the Hokage who had retreated back to the edges of the clearing.

Suddenly the warhawk smiled and vanished. It wasn't like Naruto's hiraishin, or a simple body flicker, there was no chakra output, no hand sign, no indication that something was going to happen. Naruto quickly looked around, not seeing the old man anywhere as he and hiruzen jumped away, thinking that the only logical follow up would be an attack on their position.

They were right, although not quick enough as a giant fireball exploded between them, throwing the pair back into the clearing. Naruto managed to land on his feet, rolling before coming to a halt, the Hokage however landed hard on his back, sliding further back.

Danzo stood a bit behind their previous position, a small smile on his face. Naruto looked at him impassively as he saw one of his kunai lying under a pile of rubble right in the path of the warhawk. Watching the man continue his path, Naruto knew that this was his chance. He waited for the right moment before a flash cut through the clearing and through Danzo.

The kunai in his hand was red as he watched the blood stain the man's clothes. He was certain that the man could not have activated his jutsu, with mere fractions of a moment to react.

And still.

A few seconds later, he had to jump away as the corpse shimmered out of view and Danzo tried to spear him with a short sword.

"You are getting on my nerves." Danzo muttered, a sentiment that Naruto could agree with.

"Kurama, can I get a bit of energy again?" He asked in his mind, while he stared at the one eyed man. There was no reply as he felt the energy of the biju flow through his body a second before he was engulfed in its chakra.

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