#61 Pain

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"Go! I will hold him off." Jiraiya stated, looking at the two jinchuriki as smoke began to rise over Konoha's center.

"I don't think he will let us leave." Naruto simply stated, his mind focused on the enemy, not caring for the emotional response of the sannin.

"He won't. You have to go. Save your village." Fuu added, determination in her voice as chakra began to surround her and a pair of wings formed on her lower back. Naruto saw the white haired man hesitate.

"It doesn't matter that you were his sensei. You need to think clearly. He will not let us go, if we pull back into the city, he will follow us and then we will fight in the streets. Go, see what is going on there and then come back. We will keep him occupied." He explained, his voice stern even though his words were kind. He saw Jiraiya nod, that was enough for him as he moved closer to Fuu, trying to come up with a plan to defeat the six man group in front of them.

"Is there any precondition to that resurrection ability?" Naruto asked in his head as he watched the bulky man take his position in the back of the group.

"Not that I know of. The only thing is, that he can not resurrect himself." Kurama answered, his voice strained as he tried holding his anger in. A wave of chakra came from the area where Hiruzen and Danzo were fighting, although there was no line of sight, so Naruto didn't know how the fight between those two was going.

Putting his hand on Fuu's shoulder he was instantly transported into his mind.

"We need to get rid of that dude." Fuu said, not bothering with any unnecessary words.

"Kurama says he can't resurrect himself." Naruto said, seeing as the two bijuu had yet to appear. Just as he finished his sentence the two chakra beasts shimmered into view, Kurama visibly seething while Chomei seemed to keep her calm.

"Any ideas for an attack plan?" Naruto asked, as he saw no promising plan to break through the group.

"We could use distraction." The seven tails proposed.

"What do you mean?" Fuu asked her partner.

"Well, they rely on each other to cover their backs, individually they are good, but not immortal. If we manage to distract all six of them, then we could get a hit in. That one hit would need to be strong enough to kill him, but it would at least give us the opportunity." The giant insect said, her eyes shining as her voice cracked. It was obvious that she wasn't feeling as calm as seemed to be.

"I just don't know how we could distract them so completely." The bijuu concluded.

"I think I know something." Naruto stated, smiling mischievously.

"First we need to get rid of the summons, but I have a feeling that they are underestimating us and want to see how good we can fight before actually attacking. We can use that to our advantage. When we attack the summons, I will create a number of shadow clones and hide, letting one of them take my place. While they are all watching you and my clone go against the summons, I sneak up behind them and strike." The boy explained his plan.

"Sounds good. Be careful." Fuu agreed.

"I will." Naruto smiled reassuringly.

A blink later and they were back in the real world, Fuu continuing to leak Chomei's chakra, hardening her cloak while Naruto started to gather his own chakra. He wouldn't be using Kurama's cloak, since he would be easily detectable because of his higher chakra signature and constant output. Fuu threw a few water bullets through the legs of the summons that still stood there, but none connected. The act only made the group focus most of their attention on her, which was the whole plan.

The three summons began to charge at them, with Fuu taking to the air to avoid the large heads of the three headed dog while simultaneously delivering a bone shattering punch to the flying raptor that was trying to swoop down towards her. Obviously their enemies had not expected her to be able to fly, because the rhino that was charging at Naruto stopped in its tracks, almost all eyes tracking the flying jinchuriki, as she threw a barrage of kunai at the dog, before taking one of the weapons and stabbing it into the bird's eye as it was just coming to his senses again.

This was Naruto's opportunity as he pushed out his gathered chakra, creating well over 100 clones, drenching the area in smoke. Almost instantly he switched places with a clone and jumped away into the trees while still in cover behind the smoke.

When the smoke cleared an army of clones jumped at the summons with one clone staying behind, having gotten a bit more chakra from Naruto, the clone was using the chakra sparingly to throw a few jutsu at the group behind the summons, although none did any damage because apparently one of the shinobi could absorb chakra attacks.

Meanwhile Naruto was in the trees trying his best to get around the fight without getting noticed.

Fuu saw Naruto almost at the back of the group and renewed her offensive, taking down the rhino with another kunai to the eye, making it explode in a cloud of smoke just like the flying raptor before. With that dealt with, she stared the, now five headed, dog down its heads snapping the air as it charged at her again.

The heads had multiplied whenever one of them was cut off, making it grow back two more. Chomei had proposed that she would have to cut all of them off at the same time, although she was unsure how she could accomplish something like that. Flying higher to escaped the charging beast, she saw the leader of the group with his hands outstretched and barelay managed to move out of his pull, feeling the pull on her foot as she was spun around, rapidly losing altitude as the dog was tracking her fall, murder in its eyes.

There was a giant crash just before she hit the ground and a shout as Naruto broke out of the trees, a spinning spiral of chakra in his hand. The group tried to react but the blonde was too fast, drawing back his arm and throwing his jutsu at the backmost man.

The group was quick to react, their formation moving as one as the man with the gravity ability rotated to the front, trying to block the attack, although he couldn't use his power, since he had just tried to pull Fuu.

Because of that he was powerless to stop the attack as it came near him, every other shinobi in the group too far away to help out. Naruto smiled as he let the last of his chakra control slip from the jutsu watching it expand as the violent energy broke free.

A giant explosion followed, the area bathed in blinding blue white light, everyone had to shield their eyes else they would be temporarily blinded.

Naruto quickly took down his hands and surveyed the damage, his eyes scanning the different bodies that lay strewn across the ground.

He had managed to kill his intended target, the head of the necromancer lying a few meters away from his body, blood pouring from various cuts.

He saw no evidence of the gravity manipulator anywhere as his eyes searched for the other members of the group, leaving the crater where his jutsu had exploded as there was nothing to see there apart from a layer of rubble and dirt.

He saw the enemy shinobi regroup, all of them seeming fine apart from the gravity manipulator, who had various cuts and bruises on his body. Looking around, Naruto grew worried as he didn't see Fuu anywhere. Looking back around he saw a small smile creep on the face of the injured shinobi as his eyes grew restless searching the battlefield.

A quiet voice caught his attention:

"Naruto!" The voice was weak, coming from the pile of rubble and dirt in the crater.

That is it for todays chapter.

Thank you guys for reading it. 

I don't really have a question for today,  as the next chapter is pretty much set i stone already. So just tell me what your thoughts are and what you think happened.

Dedication today to @CoreyDagenais for commenting on the last chapter.

That is all for today, 

Take care and stay safe.



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