#19 Politics

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After Naruto told her what had happened, Fuu was silent. She knew, because of the clones, that it must have felt for Naruto as if he had been really there, twice actually since both clones were present. Trying to come to terms with the fact that it could have been her and that she would most likely not be able to escape that situation without the help of Naruto.

"It wasn't you. You are safe." Chomei tried to sooth the girl, as her thoughts raced through her head.

"Thank you." She whispered to Naruto. The boy looked at the green haired girl and noticed she was crying. Not saying anything he opened his arms and pulled her into his chest.

Fuu hadn't noticed that she was crying until she felt Naruto's arms around her. Crying into the shirt he was wearing, she felt all dams break as her emotions overwhelmed her.

She woke up, her head still on Naruto's chest, both lying on the bed, the boy's arms around her securely. Confused as to their change of position, she looked around. She saw that the sun was already rising, meaning that they had slept longer than she had thought at first.

"Morning." Naruto's voice startled her.

"Morning." She replied, sitting up as the boy removed his arms from around her with a sheepish smile.

"Want to talk about it?" The red haired boy asked, as Fuu stretched her arms.

"Not really." She admitted, expecting him to pressure her into telling him, like Shibuki had always done when he noticed that she wasn't as happy as usual.

"Alright." Came the surprising answer from Naruto as he stood up and stretched his back.

"Think there will be a reply from Taki today?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Since Hirana sent an eagle, I had hoped that there already would be one." Fuu said, laying her usual outfit out while Naruto was in the bathroom.

"Well, if they had already gotten a reply from Shibuki they would have woken us up. At least I would expect them to." Naruto said through the closed door.

"Yeah, you're right. But I think that the eagle should return shortly. Otherwise I would fear that it was captured or shot down by Sogen." Fuu admitted.

"In the end, it doesn't really matter for us. We can not leave here, until Hirana has received some kind of message." The boy shrugged, walking out of the bathroom.

Fuu went through her morning routine in silence as she hoped that they could leave in the next few hours. Although she didn't want to participate in the war, she still wanted to defend her former village. However, her thoughts were still on the situation the two clones were in which Naruto had told her about in the night.

"Where do we go after we are done here?" The redhead asked as she walked out of the bath.

"I think we should go away. With Taki and Kusa allying against Sogen, we can safely assume that they won't stand long. I want to see the world, after all, officially I went to Sogen and then Hiatsu claimed that I tricked him and escaped, without any witnesses or evidence. I believe that Shibuki will pronounce me dead." Fuu stated, her mouth smiling, although her eyes showed sadness at the prospect of leaving her home for real.

"Do you really want that?" Naruto asked, trying to make sure as he looked over his weapons.

"Yeah, I know that it will hurt to leave, but all I have known is the village and the few small lands outside of it. I want to get some perspective. After all, I can always come back and tell Shibuki." The black haired girl replied, the smile on her mouth more genuine as she stood and strapped on her mask.

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