#27 Council Trouble

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Without any worries Naruto smiled as he opened his eyes, Fuu still peacefully resting on his chest.

Slowly combing through her hair, the blonde made sure not to wake her up. His smile widened when he saw her smile in her sleep, responding to his light touches.

"There are people coming." Naruto heard Kurama tell him in his mind.

"This early? Can't be good. Thanks." The teen replied, reopening his eyes. He quickly pushed a bit of chakra into his girlfriend. The mint haired girl quickly opened her eyes and jumped up, allowing Naruto to do the same. They changed into their usual attire, applied their henge and waited.

Fuu didn't question Naruto for waking her up, since she knew that he would never do so without a just cause. Even as nothing happened for a few minutes, she waited patiently.

"Four people in front of your door." Chomei stated.

"They are probably trying to find a way to disable the seals." Naruto used sign language to tell her. Fuu only nodded, watching the door for any signs of breaking. Naruto relaxed a bit after a few minutes, walking to Fuu and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"They won't break through. We won't have to worry about them for a while." The blonde whispered, a smile on his lips.

"Anyways, good morning." He said, earning a small chuckle from the girl.

"We should see what they want. After all, we are still employed by their leader, so they can't do much against us." Fuu stated, causing Naruto to sigh.

"I guess you are right."

"Can I help you?" The black haired teen asked, looking at the four Anbu with curious eyes. They immediately jumped into their battle stances, they hadn't even noticed him coming out of the room.

"Kazuto Kirigaya?" One of them asked, to which the boy nodded.

"You and Ms. Yuuki are required to come to the hokage's office within the hour." The Anbu ordered.

"Alright." The teen replied, before exploding in a cloud of smoke.

The Anbu looked at each other in shock, neither had expected that boy to be a shadow clone, nor that he even knew how to create them.

The Hokage looked at the room with angry eyes. He had just been informed that Naruto and Fuu were on their way here and that they would arrive shortly. The many council members were quietly discussing amongst themselves as he sat there, staring them down.

There was a knock on the door and everyone immediately went silent. A few moments later the door swung open and the two masked shinobi stepped into the room. Although it wasn't visible on their masks Hiruzen was sure that they were confused at seeing the whole council assembled.

"You called?" Naruto asked as Fuu moved a little closer towards him.

"Yes, take a seat." The old man said, pointing at the two chairs that stood opposite his desk in the middle of the room.

The two rogues slowly made their way to their seats, as Hiruzen became aware of the deafening silence in the room.

"Kirito, Asuna, I have called you here, because the council has requested your presence. Why, I do not know, but I am sure that they will enlighten us soon enough." The Hokage greeted them before looking at Koharu Utatane, the current leader of the council. The old woman looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"Well, we called these two here, because there have been some revelations about them. It has come to our attention that you have deceived and lied to us in many regards, most importantly about your identity. Is that not so? Naruto Uzumaki?" The gray haired council member asked, earning nods from her fellow members and two shocked looks from the two rogues.

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