#40 Confrontation

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"Good morning." Naruto whispered as Fuu opened her eyes, the curtains concealing that the sun had already been up for a few hours.

"Morning." She replied, a sleepy smile on her face, her green hair falling into her eyes as she raised her head a little. Laughing slightly at the adorable sight, Naruto pushed the strands out of her face, earning a wider smile from the girl.

They stayed in bed for another half hour, not really doing anything, just enjoying each other's company. After they had worked up the motivation to get out of bed and changed out of their pajamas, they walked out of the hotel, intending to get something to eat and then spend the day exploring the nature around the village.

As soon as they set foot out of the hotel and its privacy jutsu, Kurama's voice echoed through Naruto's head.

"It seems that Cat is back. Roof at three o'clock." The fox quickly relayed.

"Cat?" Naruto asked, confused, before he remembered who the name belonged to.

"Ohh, do you feel the others?" He asked after a few moments, taking Fuu's hand and pulling her toward him, placing his hand around her waist as they had agreed to that as a sign that they were being watched.

"Not at the moment, but I don't think that they will be far." The fox replied, as the pair walked through the village.

"Ok." Naruto acknowledged. Smiling at Fuu who had placed her head on his shoulder.

"Let's find a place to sit for a moment." He whispered, wanting to talk to her in his mind, to come up with a plan. However it would be too weird if they would suddenly stop moving in the street. Time moved way faster in his mind than in the real world, but they would still take a few seconds to come up with a plan and that time would be enough for anyone watching them to notice that something was off.

"Who is it?" Fuu asked just after she entered his mind, aware that this was not the time to chat.

"Remember the rogues I was with when we fled from Sogengakure? One of them is here."

"And following you." Kurama interrupted, having kept an eye on the movements of the woman.

"So, we can be sure that she is here because of us. I don't know if she came here with the knowledge or intention of finding us, but now she has." Naruto continued, sighing a frustrated sigh. He had really hoped that they would be able to spend at least a week without being harassed.

"Maybe she is following you because she wants to reconnect with you." Fuu suggested, although her tone gave away the fact that she didn't believe these words herself.

"I really wish that was the case, but then she wouldn't have waited outside the hotel to follow us, she would have just come up to us when she first found us." The redhead replied.

"I really hope that she is just an observer because then we could maybe lose her." He said, closing his eyes to think about their possibilities.

"We could always use the hiraishin." Fuu suggested.

"We would need some place to teleport to. The only marker that is far enough away where they couldn't follow is the one engraved in the hokage monument in Konoha." Naruto stated.

"And we don't really want to go there." Fuu finished his thought, earning a nod from her boyfriend.

"I think we need to find out if she is alone or if she has back up and if so who it is. If she is still in the group we both were a part of, then we will easily beat them, if not we will have to be careful." Naruto said, looking around the grassy fields of his mind.

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