#54 Prison Break

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Within the hour, Inoichi had returned, collaborating Fuu and Naruto's story. There was nothing really new that the contact had known, so he was sent to the hospital for observation.

The Hokage quickly got Inoichi back up to speed, before the group consisting of the Yamanaka clan head, the Hokage, Jiraiya, Naruto and Fuu made their way towards the prison.

Getting to the cell, where Homura Mitokado was held, the group got the guards to take the former advisor out.

"Homura Mitokado, after gathering some more information about what has happened in regards to the contract and the assigned missions, I find you guilty of treasonous actions in a minor case. You are hereby stripped of your rank and sentenced to prison for 5 years." The Hokage announced with Jiraiya and Inoichi as witnesses. Of course Naruto and Fuu were also present, but since they didn't belong to the village, they didn't count as credible witnesses. The, now official, prisoner didn't even raise his head, only nodding ever so slightly to show that he had heard his former teammate.

"Inoichi, if you could see if there is anything else he hasn't told us." The Hokage said, looking at the clan head next to him. The blonde man nodded and raised his hands in a single seal. There was a moment of pause before his body lost tension and dropped to the ground. Jiraiya had known this would happen and caught him before he hit the ground, while Naruto got a chair, where they propped the lifeless body up.

To everyone's surprise a shock ran through Homura's body before Inoichi's eyes flew open again, the clan head breathing hard.

"What happened?" The Hokage asked, knowing that he couldn't possibly be finished already.

"There is a seal. Someone placed a seal on his mind to trap anyone that tried to access his memories. I barely got out." The Yamanaka reported.

"Anything you can do?" Jiraiya asked.

"Only if the seal is destroyed. Otherwise I am blind in his head." The Hokage looked at Jiraiya who shook his head.

"I don't even know where this seal is." The white haired man said.

"Couldn't we just break the seal by force?" Naruto asked, earning a confused look from the three older men.

"Well, with any seal there is a certain amount of chakra that it can withstand before inevitably cracking. For example, if there is a normal chakra suppression seal on me or Fuu here, we could easily break them with our own chakra amount alone, not to mention our two bijuu. The same applies to basically all other seals, some have a higher tolerance than others but they all break at some point." Naruto explained, earning a thoughtful nod from the sannin.

"He is right, although I have no idea how high the tolerance of this type of seal is." He voiced his thoughts.

"Well, my guess is that it won't be too high, since I doubt that anyone would expect someone to force chakra into a seal of that type." The red haired rogue stated.

"Why would you think that?" Inoichi asked.

"Because of two reasons: Firstly there are not too many shinobi that specialize in seals and how to break them, so there aren't many that even know that you can simply overload a seal. Secondly even if they thought about this possibility, it takes a considerable amount of chakra to even break the simplest seals so they would think that a tolerance that is slightly higher than 'normal' would be enough to stop anyone from trying, after all it isn't everyday that a jinchuriki tries to force open a seal. Actually now that I think about it, there is a third reason that would apply to this special case; being, that it will most likely hurt Homura a fair bit, since we would basically force chakra into his mind to break the seal." Naruto reasoned. The Hokage and Jiraiya were thinking about what the redhead had said, while Inoichi shook his head slowly.

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