#51 Diversion

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Opening his eyes, Naruto looked once again down on the houses of Konoha, the sun starting to shine over the village, dispelling the calmness that had developed overnight.

More and more people were walking around the streets, going to work, or to the market or just on a morning walk. There were more movements from shinobi that Naruto could detect, the patrols changing and squads moving to and from the Hokage tower to get their missions.

"We should wait a bit until the morning rush has died down." Fuu said, earning a nod from Naruto as both of them walked away from the Hokage monument and disappeared into the forest.

They waited for two hours, both on high alert for any shinobi coming through the forest, before making their way back down to the village. There were still a lot of people around, walking through the streets, shopping and going through the many different shops.

"Look at that fan." A girl murmured, looking through the window of a luxurious looking clothing store. The pair slowly walked through the village, trying to not raise any suspicion as they made their way towards the house of Homura Mitokado. It was actually convenient that he was living almost at the center of the village, because it meant that there were still a bunch of people going around, so it would be easier to blend in for Naruto and Fuu. However they could not afford any mistakes as the Hokage tower was nearby and the Anbu would probably jump at any sign of something suspicious. Looking around Naruto could see at least three shinobi guarding the house.

"There is at least one inside and one behind the house." Kurama quickly announced, earning a thoughtful nod from the blonde.

One of the guards was standing right next to the entrance and Naruto could see a series of seals placed all around the door most likely to detect any unknown chakra signatures that were trying to go into the house.

The pair made their way with the flow of the people away from the house again as it would have raised suspicions if they were to just stop in front of Homura's residence.

Naruto put his arm around Fuu and quickly pulled them both into his mind once again.

"Diversion?" Fuu asked as they opened their eyes to the familiar field. It was clear that she was thinking the same thing as him, it would be too dangerous to attack in the village and there were too many civilians that would be on the battlefield.

"Yeah, we need to draw the Anbu away from the house." The blonde said.

"We don't know if that man with the wood jutsu is around or if they have more shinobi that can use those attacks." Chomei worried.

"Yeah. That is why I need to draw them away. Should I get captured, I can always get out using the hiraishin." Naruto stated confidently.

"When you are done or in danger, call me. I left a marker on the monument." He continued.

"I don't like that plan." Fuu murmured. Although Naruto could see in her eyes that she knew it was the safer of the two options as she couldn't escape the wooden prison once she was caught.

"I know. I'll be careful." He smiled.

"You better." The green haired girl retorted.

When they reopened their eyes in the real world, the pair walked towards the Hokage monument once more.

"Get into a good position, I'll draw them away. You know the signal." Naruto said, checking his weapons.

Fuu only nodded, checking her pouches as well before she quickly walked away, careful not to use any chakra.

"Are you sure?" Kurama asked in his head as the redhead walked towards the east gate, which was farthest away from Fuu's target.

"Yes." Naruto replied shortly his mind focusing on the upcoming battle. He had Fuu's ring and his own marker already ready in the back of his mind, prepared to flash to either one in the blink of an eye.

"Tell me when to overload the seals." The bijuu said as the gate came into view with two bored chunin sitting in its shadow.

"We'll wait for a few more moments, so Fuu can get into position." He said, casually walking through the gate. Since he was leaving the village, the guards didn't pay him any attention.

It took a few moments for Fuu to signal him that she was in position by pulling on his chakra through the hiriashin seal on her ring. He smiled before feeling the second pulse. His eyes widened slightly, instantly grabbing two kunai, Kurama having felt the pulses evaporating the seals with his chakra as he was already flashing towards Fuu's marker.

The flash cut through the room as Naruto arrived, crouched low in front of Fuu, his eyes quickly scanning the area while his left hand reached out for Fuu.

There was nothing he could see any forms of danger, but trusted Fuu's instincts and flashed them away to monument.

"Why?" The black haired girl asked, as they landed on the stoney ground.

"What do you mean? You signaled me twice." Naruto replied, confused.

"I didn't. I only sent one pulse." Fuu stated, tensing.

"I felt two." Something was not right. If she didn't make the second pulse, then who did?

Naruto instantly threw a kunai down into the streets, as he felt chakra rising all around them. Before he flashed them down, he saw three squads jumping out of the trees, their weapons sparkling with electricity.

"We've been made." He cursed, another flash enveloping them and transporting them back down into the village.

"They must have found a seal of mine and pushed some chakra into them." Naruto thought as the civilians around them freaked.

"We can't fight here." Fuu said, looking around at the many civilians.

"We have to get out of here." They jumped up on the roof and sprinted away towards the village walls to escape, however there was a wall of shinobi lining the wall.

"They were smart about this. They didn't immediately push chakra, they planned this thing." Kurama analyzed as the pair turned and jumped back into the village, getting blocked at every wall.

Fuu looked at him, worry in her eyes as both did not know how big of their disadvantage was since there was no way to know how much time Konoha had to prepare for this.

Turning again they evaded an advancing wall of shinobi and Naruto was beginning to feel as if they were funneled into a specific area.

It turned out that they were, as they arrived at the training fields of Konoha, again coming face to face with a group of shinobi, however this time there was no way to turn as everywhere around them were faces and weapons.

Heya Dragons,

That concludes this weeks chapter.

Sorry for it being so short, I promise the next one will be extra long ;)

This weeks dedication goes again to @NightTheDivineRose for answering the last question on my profile. 

We will be restarting the Q&A sessions on my discord (link in my profile) so if you have any questions or just want to talk, come by.  It will start as always on 8pm Berlin time. Hope to see you there.

I dont actually have a question for this chapter, so just tell me what you thought about this one.

Anyways that is all for today, 

Take care and stay safe



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