#60 Two Down

82 4 2

Jiraiya watched impotently as the orange haired man raised his hand, smiling sadly at the sannin.

"I am sorry sensei." He muttered, his chakra pulsing. Jiraiya was pulled from his feat, sailing through the air, towards his former student, who was pulling out a black rod. Naruto reacted quicker than anyone else, throwing his kunai into Jiraiya's path. Once it was between the man and Yahiko, he flashed towards it, grabbing a hold of the red coat and teleporting back to the seal that was on Fuu's ring.

"Thank you." The white haired man whispered as Hiruzen stepped forwards engaging the seven person group with a barrage of jutsu.

"Your fight is with me." Danzo announced as he defended against the attack and saw the Hokage target the rinnegan users. A quick firejutsu brought the Hokage's attention back to his old teammate, while forcing Hiruzen and Tsunade to separate from the others.

"Go, help the Hokage." Jirayia called out to the Anbu who were still watching the confrontation. A quick nod was all he got as an answer before the Anbu blurred away reappearing behind the Hokage who was standing a few hundred meters away by that time.

"You think, you can defeat me?" Yahiko asked smirking as, six pairs of eyes looking at Jiraiya, Naruto and Fuu.

"I know." Jiraiya replied, rushing through a set of hand signs. Two puffs of smoke appeared on his shoulders after he finished the summoning jutsu.

"Why have you summoned us, my boy?" A squeezed old voice asked from the smoke.

"I need sage mode." The white haired man replied. No more words were spoken as the smoke cleared, revealing two small toads that were already gathering chakra with Jirayia putting his hands in a single hand sign.

Naruto and Fuu were watching the scene with curious confusion as the purple eyed shinobi watched the Hokage's student without interrupting him.

"You need to surprise him. With those eyes he can defend against almost anything he sees coming." Kurama stated.

"We can't do that with that woman always watching us." Naruto replied, looking at the long haired kunoichi that always had an eye on them and their movements.

"I can see that." Kurama deadpanned as a massive chakra spike came from the sannin.

The white haired man grinned as his face grew thicker, his skin turned a sick green and an aura of orange appeared around his eyes. His eyes themselves had changed in appearance, the pupils having switched to those of a toad.

Power seemed to radiate of the man, as he crouched a bit and launched himself at the group of Akatsuki members.

His targets didn't even move as another pulse of chakra came from the man in the middle and Jirayia was stopped in his tracks and propelled backwards into the trees.

"Now!" Kurama shouted, as nobody was looking at the two Jinchuriki at that moment, but Naruto was already in motion as he threw a kunai into their midst, taking out another and flashing directly next to the first body, his kunai quickly embedding themselves into the man's skull.

The body slumped to the floor but it gave the others enough time to react and disperse as the whole group simultaneously started to move.

"Watch out!" Fuu screamed, her hands flying through hand signs as one of the remaining rogues launched a barrage of missiles at Naruto. Naruto quickly flashed back to his girlfriend, although the missiles still followed him. Fuu quickly finished her jutsu creating a giant wall of water blocking the attack.

Meanwhile Jirayia had managed to make his way back to the fight, engaging the leader of the group in taijutsu, which seemed to fail as the man always managed to evade his strikes, but the sannin smiled slightly as he swung again, his fist missing the man's face by an inch. Surprisingly the orange haired man still went flying, twisting in the air to land upright, but still visibly hurt by the punch that didn't even seem to connect.

Jiraiya didn't waste that opportunity, taking out a kunai and closing in on the man for the kill. However, that was when another pulse of chakra came and pushed him away, back towards Naruto and Fuu.

"Why didn't he do that earlier?" Naruto thought as he watched the six shinobi regroup, although curiously nobody spoke a word.

"They don't need to speak if they are all controlled by the same person. And I guess that he can not use the eyes all the time because they can not possibly be his real ones." Kurama proposed, although it still confused him how someone could transplant his father's eyes into the man, since his father's eyes had been burned along with his body. And if those weren't his fathers eyes, then someone had to have awakened them. Naruto had the same thoughts, as he pulled out another kunai. Seeing as the man had just used his push power, he wanted to test Kurama's theory, launching another attack as he threw the kunai at the woman, who moved out of the way, but not far enough as he flashed to the weapon and spun around, slashing through the eyes of the woman and dislodging her black piercings. He was about to turn around as a giant ball of water impacted with something behind him, effectively soaking the jinchuriki. Turning around, he saw a giant Pterodactyl shaking its head as it looked around in confused rage. Another giant beast stepped up next to it and another as Naruto, flashed back to Fuu who had held off the ancient bird from attacking him with the water attack.

Jiraiya landed next to them, his coat ripped in more than a few places and the toads on his shoulder sweating profusely.

There was a standoff between the three shinobi and the three beasts as Naruto saw one of the rinnegan users go through a short series of hand signs. A giant pained face made out of stone rose from the ground and opened its mouth. Two green lights flew out of it, making their way to the bodies of the two shinobi that Naruto had managed to kill. Naruto, Fuu and Jiraiya could do nothing since every move they made was being shadowed by the beasts in front of them, so they watched as the green lights entered the bodies and they sat up, their wounds disappearing and rejoined their group behind the three ancient summons.

Suddenly a giant explosion came from the village, the shockwave being felt by everyone on the battlefield.

Hiya Dragons,

That is it for today's chapter. Thank you for reading.

No dedication this time around.

This time I have a question for you guys. Do you want to see the general outcome for Konoha from this battle or do you want me to specifically follow Naruto and Fuu on their path and see the consequences of the events through their eyes?

Anyways, another short chapter, because I had exams the last two weeks, but now I have a bit more free time to write so I expect that there will be more longer chapters again.

That is it for now.

Take care and stay safe,



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