#59 Rinnegan

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The pair of rogues watched in amusement as more and more messengers came from the other groups, panicking as their sensors had picked up their chakra masses. Surprisingly none of the newcomers had any sensory training themselves as they stood next to Naruto and Fuu, delivering their warning to the Hokage.

The old man simply nodded, sending the chunin back to their groups with instructions to adjust their defenses. He would handle the attackers himself.

"Let's do this." Jiraiya announced in a joyous mood, that did not quite fit the situation, when he arrived after finishing his wok with the seals along Naruto's clone.

"We'll wait for Tsunade, then we will go forward." The Hokage stated a few moments before said woman blurred into view.

"Medics are ready, Shizune will command them so that they can effectively deploy." The blonde announced, a proud smile on her lips as she mentioned her apprentice.

"Good, Inu are you ready?" Sarutobi asked nobody in particular. Momentarily an Anbu landed next to him, kneeling.

"Squads A and D are deployed and ready. B and C remaining on defensive standby." The gray haired shinobi relayed quickly.

"Alright. You have your orders." The masked shinobi nodded, vanishing again.

"Asuna, Kirito, we will confront Danzo. I expect him to not attack right away but be ready. Inu and his squads are already in position to counter." The Hokage explained, earning a nod from the pair.

Naruto tightened his grip on the two three pronged kunai in his hands as they neared the position of Danzo, who was still shouting for the Hokage. Without words, Sarutobi split from the group, continuing straight towards the voice while Naruto and the rest slowed down.

Looking through the trees, Naruto saw a squad of Anbu shadowing the Hokage, although he did not sense them. They were moving secretively enough to not be obvious but also not really hiding their presence, he couldn't sense them because of Danzo's chakra overshadowing theirs.

"Danzo knows that Sarutobi wouldn't be coming alone. Better he can spot a portion of his guard and is satisfied than him searching and finding everyone." Kurama theorised in his mind.

"But wouldn't he also know the tactics that were in place for exactly that situation?" Naruto thought back, watching the Hokage leave his view.

"I honestly doubt, that we would be able to hide anything like that from him. At least Fuu and I are a shining beacon for him. He fought in two great wars, there is little better to teach a shinobi than all out war." He continued, looking around for any signs that there were traps or other shinobi in the area.

"Do you sense anyone else apart from the warhawk and Madara?" The teen asked, expanding his own senses. However, his senses were mostly overwhelmed by Danzo's signature. That was probably the man's intention for so openly challenging the Hokage, masking any other shinobi he had with him.

"Apart from Danzo and Madara's chakra I can't sense anything, when I manage to overlook Danzo then Madara's signature takes his place and overshadows everything beneath. You two, the sanin and the Hokage aren't exactly helping." The orange fox replied, annoyed.

"We move close enough to see the Hokage." Jiraiya whispered, earning a nod from the other three people in the group.

There was no movement in the trees, not even the animals dared to make any noise as the Hokage walked into the small clearing where Danzo stood.

"Ah finally." The warhawk said, a grin on his face as his lone eye followed his old teammate.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Hiruzen asked, stopping a few meters away.

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