#47 Plans

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The princess smiled as the pair left the office, obviously happy that she could secure two strong shinobi for her forces. Naruto and Fuu smiled at each other as well, holding hands as they walked towards their hotel room.

"That went well." Naruto said, as they reached their hotel room.

"Yeah, I was surprised to see that she agreed without hesitation." His girlfriend said, sitting down on the bed.

"I'll head out to finish up with Kim, should I grab something to eat on my way back?" The blonde boy asked. It was almost noon and he could see that Fuu was getting hungry as he was himself.

"Yeah that would be great, I'll continue my chakra training." The shorter jinchuriki said, showing him the leaf she was holding. She had started training her wind chakra a few weeks ago, after the fight against the Konoha squads as she had realized that she was burning through a ridiculous amount of chakra when she was using wind jutsus. Although she had high reserves, she acknowledged that she needed to manage them better if she wanted to survive enemies such as Konoha's Anbu, as a fight against them would certainly turn into an endurance battle instead of just pure power. Also there had been the case of the wood user that had managed to completely negate Chomeis chakra even before they had trapped her in that wooden cell, this had shown the girl that she needed to have enough strength to beat such opponents on her own without relying on her tenant's strength.

Naruto had been surprised when she had come to him and asked him for help with her wind chakra as the girl knew no exercise to train her control over that element. After she had explained her reasons to him, he had smiled, not having thought so far but agreeing with her reasoning, vowing to also increase his own strength along with her.

The blonde nodded smiling proudly, giving her a kiss before walking back out into the streets, making his way towards the park where he had left the brunette rogue after being summoned to the princess' office.

Looking around the grassy fields he saw the brunette leaning against the tree where they had sat before, her eyes closed as she waited.

When Naruto approached her she opened her eyes, obviously not sleeping. A small smile crept on her face as she sat up straight. Sitting down next to her the blonde noticed that she was smiling again, genuinely and without any malice.

"You came back." She stated silently.

"Of course, after all, we were quite rudely interrupted." Naruto replied, sitting down next to her.

"What did the princess want?" Kim asked, lying back down as she looked at the swaying branches above them.

"I can't tell you yet." The boy said, a knowing smile spreading on the brunette's face.

"So, when do you make it official?" Naruto knew that she knew, since there was only one thing that the leader of a village and a rogue shinobi would talk about that could be revealed at a later date. Missions were never meant to be revealed and there would be no other reason for these people to talk apart from the village leader trying to recruit them.

"It'll take a bit. After all, we still have to deal with Konoha. I know you know, so please keep it on the low." The boy replied to the question as he smiled seeing the genuine happiness in his friend's face.

"I am happy for you." Kim said.

"Did you think about what you are going to do?" This question brought a bit of sadness into her eyes as her smile faltered a bit.

"Well, it's obvious that Lion won't permit me to go with them. I was thinking about settling down somewhere and getting a civilian job. I never really wanted to be a shinobi, it just happened through circumstance and unfortunate events." The rogue said, smiling at the thought.

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