#29 Doujutsu

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"Next up, Shiore and Gaara." Fuu announced to the genin. Without even glancing at his opponent, the redhead from Sunagakure disappeared in a cloud of sand, reappearing on the arena floor, earning a few gasps from the crowd.

"You think Shiore will have a chance?" Fuu heard one of his teammates ask as they watched the black haired teen make his way down the stairs.

"I really just hope that he will not get himself killed, we saw what that guy is capable of. We were lucky that his teammates wanted to get to the tower as soon as possible or he would surely have killed us as well. I am pretty certain that he had managed to spot us somehow." the only brown haired boy of their team replied, shivering at the memory.

Looking back at the arena she saw Naruto patiently waiting for the genin from Kusagakure to make his way towards them.

A few words were exchanged and then the two contestants jumped away as the blonde proctor disappeared into thin air. Without skipping a beat Fuu leaned backwards smiling as she felt her boyfriend's arms around her before her head even made contact with his chest.

"You think he will rely on him?" She asked, looking at the arena where the black haired genin was being chased around by waves of sand.

"I really don't know. He has his control over sand, which I don't think is one of Shukaku's powers. But I think that he will rely on him if he gets into trouble." Naruto replied, resting his chin on Fuu's head.

The fight was over before they could say anything else as one of Gaara's waves managed to intercept the other genin and caught him by his left arm. The sand immediately began to spread over the teen's body as his eyes widened in fear.

"I give up!" He screamed, expecting the orange grains to go back to their master, but they didn't even slow down. Naruto saw that and in a flash stood next to the black haired shinobi. Putting his hand on the boy's shoulder another flash enveloped them and they appeared on the other side of the arena, the boy looking at his uninjured arm and sighing in relief. Another flash cut through the arena as Naruto appeared in front of Gaara, staring the redhead down.

"If someone gives up, you stop your attack. If I see you continuing an attack on a surrendered opponent again, I will step in and there will be consequences for you." He warned.

"Wow, that kid is really something else." Jiraiya stated, watching the blonde proctor with interest.

"Yeah, he truly is." Hiruzen replied, giving his former student a smile.

"It really shifts the balance of power for you to have someone like this in your ranks again, it is almost as if the fourth Hokage has risen again." The Raikgae stated, watching as the blonde shinobi vanished in another flash, as his green haired partner called for the next two fighters.

"You are right, Raikage, I really hope that this won't shift the balance too much. Although I have to wonder why there have been no reports about this boy from the fields." The water daimyo said, clearly suspecting something to be wrong about Naruto.

Tsunade could feel Hiruzen tense as her eyes watched boredly while the two genin in the arena threw kunai at each other.

"He had some personal issues to deal with. This is his first job for a long while." Hiruzen tried to explain, earning a suspicious look from the other leaders.

"I sure hope we don't see him in the field too soon." The Kazekage didn't seem too convinced by the Hokage's explanation, the smile on his face being evidence of that.

"While we are on the topic of strength.... I couldn't help but notice that your jinchuuriki isn't attending the event. He should be around the same age as Gaara if I am not mistaken." Rasa continued, a smile on his face as he looked at his son, who stood on the contestants balcony with an ever stoic look on his face.

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