#52 Hokage

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Slowly looking around,Naruto looked at the masked faces surrounding them. There were a few hairstyles he recognized from the bingo books he had, there was Kakashi Hatake's gray hair, the purple long hair of Yuugao Uzuki and also a mop of brown hair, which he was pretty sure that it belonged to Yamato, the man that had captured Fuu in his wooden jutsu.

"What are you doing here?" Kakashi's voice rang out from behind the mask.

"Does it matter?" Naruto asked, defensive about the reasoning, since the Hokage had already lifted his banishment from the land of fire even before they had come back and helped out with the chunin exams.

"Yes it does." The copy ninja simply replied, insisting on an answer.

"We just wanted to visit the village and a few friends we still have here." Fuu stated, her hands almost glowing with the chakra she had stored in them.

"While there is a contract on your head?" A plain masked man asked, earning a surprised look from Kakashi.

"What contract?" He asked, which confirmed to Naruto that there was something very wrong about the contract.

"Doesn't matter. Our orders are to kill them."

"Who gave you that order? I'll wager that it wasn't the Hokage." Naruto asked, Kakashi's sharingan spinning rapidly.

"It was one of the advisors." The Anbu captain stated slowly.

"Let's just get Hiruzen here, we wanted to talk with him anyways." Naruto said, before releasing a massive amount of chakra into the air, surely alerting every last shinobi in the village. At the same time, the Anbu around them jumped away, having felt the chakra buildup. Fuu quickly put up a dome of Water blocking a barrage of fireballs and kunai that were thrown at them. Without looking, Naruto quickly went through a quick set of hand signs shooting out a salvo of compressed air bullets into the trees around them. Another barrage of kunai was the answer although it was noticeably shorter than before. The pair of rogues jumped away, letting the attack impact the ground where they had just stood. Naruto was already gathering chakra in his hands when he felt the giant chakra spike washing over the battlefield. At first he thought it was the Hokage, arriving but quickly realized that it was made up of several smaller spikes that came from all around them. Quickly refocusing his chakra he scrapped his original idea of an offensive jutsu and instead brought his hands out in front of him, creating a spinning dome of wind around him and Fuu as a barrage of jutsu flew at them. Most of the attacks were fire based so Naruto knew that his defense wouldn't hold long, pumping more chakra into it to keep it going while he felt Fuu behind him already massing her own chakra.

"We can't keep this defensive style up for long." The other jinchuriki shouted over the noise of the explosions outside of the dome.

"The Hokage will come. I don't want this to get out of hand." Naruto replied, dropping his hands as Fuu pushed her own chakra out, almost seamlessly replacing the wind dome with a water one.

"You really think he will come?" The thoughts of the girl ran through his head as they stood back to back. It was a method of communicating that the pair had discovered in training one day when Naruto had tried to pull Fuu into his mindscape and she had resisted but was still able to hear and respond to his thoughts in the same speed as if they were in the mindscape. The only restriction they had found was that they needed to be touching to communicate in that way.

"I really hope so. He has to have felt Kurama's chakra, it would be curious if he didn't come." Naruto thought back.

"We can't let them continue their offensive, they will get a hit in." It was clear that with the caliber of the shinobi present, a single hit would most likely result in serious injuries and capture or worse.

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