#21 Found

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"Why again, do we do this?" Fu asked, as she placed another seal in a corner of the room.

"Because, we are rogues and officially criminals, even though we aren't wanted yet. Well at least you are not wanted." Naruto replied, drawing the next seal on the small paper.

"Man, you really have to teach me how to create more complex seals." The teen thought as he finished the last chakra suppression seal they needed.

"You need to learn all the basic seals first." Kurama insisted in his mind.

"Yeah, I know. I'll get on it." Naruto replied in his thoughts. Putting away his brush, he created a clone, who took a book out of his backpack and sat down in a corner to work through it.

"But nobody knows we are here." Fu moaned as she took the last seal from the black haired boy.

"Sure about that? Although we didn't get controlled at the gates, I don't think that none of the Jonin or Anbu noticed our henges." Naruto mentioned, earning a thoughtful look from the girl as she sat down next to him on the bed.

"Let's hope, we can just be left alone."

"I told you everything I know. Come on, you can't keep me locked in here forever!" The old man screamed, as the door fell into its lock. Hiruzen sighed. He knew that Danzo had many secrets that were darker than he could even imagine, but he never would have thought that it would take over two years to get him to talk. It had taken almost all of his Anbu to capture the man, but in the end it had been worth it. Without the intel his secret Root organization had gathered or possessed, Orochimaru would have had easy pickings with his planned invasion. 

Sadly most of Root's shinobi had committed suicide when their leader was captured, but a few could be apprehended and were mostly rehabilitated into Konohagakure's shinobi corps. 

It had been pure luck that none of Hiruzen's Anbu had died, although a few had gotten seriously injured. Some of their injuries were so severe, that he had sent for his student, Tsunade of the Sannin. 

He was glad that she had responded to his letter, coming back to the village and taking over the hospital. However, she had insisted that this would only be temporary and had left the village after training a few of the medics to be able to lead the hospital in her stead.

Walking back into his office, he saw a new scroll on his desk. It had the markings of Rō, his Anbu commander. Intrigued, Hiurzen quickly sat down and took a look into it. 


Two individuals entered the perimeter, both disguised and with at least jonin level chakra reserves, although my sensors say that they most likely are altering their chakra's appearance. We can not break the disguise, as they are always moving in patterns that do not allow us to come into contact with them without raising suspicions. Their hotel room has been sealed, so we can not get to them at night.

Request permission to isolate and engage."

The old man had to read the message twice. Flaring his chakra a bit, he didn't have to wait long before two Anbu knelt in front of his desk.

"Get me Rō and Kakashi." He ordered them, receiving a nod as the two masked shinobi vanished again.

It took a few moments before the two came back accompanied by two more shinobi. One was wearing the standard Anbu uniform and mask, while the other had his identity concealed by a half mask covering the lower part of his face.

All four of them knelt down until the Hokage motioned for them to rise. With another wave of his hand, he dismissed the two initial Anbu.

"Rō, you have sent me this report. When did these people enter the village?" 

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