#46 Settling

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Naruto was a bit surprised by the offer that the princess had made. He wanted to find a place where they could settle down, but he hadn't thought that they would find an opportunity as quickly as that. Moving closer to Fuu, he reached out to grab her hand in his, before drawing her into his mindscape.

"Settling down?" Naruto asked, as he sat down in the grassy fields of his mind.

"Yeah, I mean isn't that what you want?" Fuu asked, a surprised look on her face.

"No, that is not how I meant that. I want to settle down, but I thought you wanted to move around a bit more, explore the world, you know?" He stated, thinking back on the many conversations they had since escaping from Konoha about what the future might hold.

"Well, I mean this opportunity is not too bad, who knows when we will get something like this again. And besides from what princess Horuna has said, our jobs would be as a secret squad, kind of like the Anbu. So we would still get around and travel." The green haired girl said.

"What did she propose?" He was intrigued by his girlfriend's words, he wouldn't deny that, but he was mostly happy that she wanted to settle down already, since it would give them a safer life and more stable situation.

"She just said that she wanted us to be a secret weapon for the village. I didn't ask any further, because I wanted you to be here for this as well." The girl explained, changing her position so she was sitting next to her boyfriend, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You do realize that she probably just wants us so that her village gets two of the bijuu?" Kurama asked, his giant head appearing out of the cave that sat next to them.

"I don't think so. She has not mentioned anything like that to me." Fuu replied, earning a huff from the big fox.

"I highly suspect that she knows about us." The calm and deep voice of Chomei rolled over his mindscape as she appeared in front of them.

"There are not many forces that have the power that we displayed against those Konoha shinobi." The giant bug continued, earning a supporting nod from Kurama.

"Well, what does it matter? We would have to tell her either way, we can not hide something like that, if we want to live there. Where is the problem that she already knows about Chomei and Kurama, it changes nothing about the situation?" Fuu asked, getting irritated.

"It changes everything. If she already knows, there is no way that they will see us as shinobi, only as weapons. They will never accept us." Naruto explained, his past in Konoha coming to mind.

"How is that going to be different if we tell her after she has agreed to let us stay?"

"Then she would have given you the offer because she appreciated your abilities as shinobi. That would be a different story because it would be your own abilities and the other shinobi would respect that." Fuu scoffed at Kurama's explanation.

"So in one scenario she only wants to use us because of our strength and in the other she respects us because of it? Come on, even you know that this doesn't make sense." The green haired girl stated, Naruto trying to calm her down by rubbing a hand over her back.

"Not quite, if she already knows so will most if not all of her shinobi then they would fear what we could do if you and Naruto lost control of our powers. If they do not know, then you could tell the princess and have it be a need-to-know secret, then they would only see you as incredibly strong shinobi and given Naruto's heritage they would maybe even look up to you." Chomei said, her voice as calm as ever.

"But we could also try to show them that we and you especially are not some mindless monsters and that you will not just attack everything if we should die or you get forced out of the seals." The girl suggested.

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