58 Hiruzen!!

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"It can't be." Kurama repeated, his voice growing quieter with every word. The chakra signature was growing stronger by the second and they didn't even move towards it.

"What is it?" Naruto asked in his head, his kunai ready in his hands as Fuu quickly got up as well, her hands raised in a defensive stance.

"That's the man that ripped me out of your mother." The fox replied, his voice vibrating with anger.

"Akatsuki. At least one Sharingan, I don't know what Itachi will do." Naruto quickly stated out loud.

"Sharingan?" Fuu asked.

"Yes, the man that controlled Kurama is here." The redhead said, before the two jumped towards Konoha and the ever growing energy.

"What is he doing?" The girl muttered under her breath as the chakra signature continued to grow.

"Can't be good." Naruto said, concerned as the chakra build up was getting ridiculous.

"Hiruzen!" A scream echoed through the village, the voice being amplified by chakra reaching the farthest corners. Obviously it hadn't been the first, since there were large groups of shinobi standing on the rooftops, silently coordinating and shuffling around, weapons in hand.

Naruto and Fuu saw them from a distance as they approached Konoha, their weapons already raised in preparation. Konoha's shinobi saw the pair of rogues approach and were initially defensive, scrambling to form a new defensive line. It took a few moments for someone to recognize the pair, canceling the order for the defense. Of course, they didn't recognize them as Naruto and Fuu, but as a pair of rogue shinobi that had been seen with the Hokage around the village a lot lately.

Landing next to the commanding chunin, Naruto looked around seeing a few groups of shinobi setting up more defensive structures and seals with Jiraiya the sannin already with them, creating more. Sealless a clone phazed into existence next to the redhead, nodding at the original and running off to help the white haired man.

Meanwhile Fuu had talked with the jonin and was making her way back to him, a scowl on her lips.

"It's Danzo. He appeared next to the first defensive arrays shouting the Hokage's name. There were a few people with him, all wearing the Akatsuki cloaks." She relayed the information.

"Alright, where is the Hokage?" Naruto asked, looking ahead into the forest where even more shinobi were forming up.

"I don't know. The jonin said, Sarutobi told everyone that he would be there shortly, but literally nobody seems to know where he went and it has been almost ten minutes since he has gone away." Fuu replied, earning a confused look from her boyfriend.

Watching the preparations Naruto knew that they would all be futile if Danzo really had the support of the Akatsuki even if the group had only sent a pair of two members to aid the old war hawk.

"I see you have also felt the chakra." A voice came from behind him in greeting. He turned around, smiling a bit as he saw the black armor of the Hokage. It took a second for him to register that it was the armor that he had seen the man wear in pictures of the second and third great wars. Studying the intricate seals that were worked into the leather, he knew that it had to have been an Uzumaki or someone that has learned from the once mighty clan. There were seals that only the Uzumaki knew how to do correctly and even if you managed to replicate them, there was no chance that one could do that on the small scale as in the armor of the old an, if they hadnt learned under the Uzumaki seal masters.

"We did." Naruto nodded, focusing back on the matter at hand. The teen half expected that the Hokage would apologize for the time he spent getting his gear together, but also knew that it would be a huge blow to morale and general constitution of his troops if word got out that their leader didn't keep his armor and weapons in good condition.

"Danzo has some friends with him." Fuu simply stated, knowing that Hiruzen would know what she meant.

"I know. I recognize the chakra that is being built up. I felt it once before." The Hokage replied.

"Who is with Danzo?" The jonin commanding this part of the defences asked, earning a sad look from the Hokage.

"The person responsible for the death of the fourth Hokage and his wife." Sarutobi simply said, earning a sad nod from the older shinobi.

"Do you know if there are any other shinonbi accompanying Danzo?" Fuu asked the jonin quickly, as she rolled up her pant on the left leg.

"I don't know." The man simply replied, curiously watching as Naruto knelt down and went through a quick but complex series of hand signs. Naruto cut his thumb with a kunai and drew a small seal on her knee before going through another set of hand signs. Fuu's leg suddenly glowed as a complex series of seals and arrays appeared, they glowed a bright red for a few moments before they started to fade away, leaving nothing behind on the fair skinned leg. For a moment nothing seemed to have changed until more and more shinobi turned around in alarm as they sensed a giant chakra signature that had appeared out of thin air. The Hokage looked at the pair with growing interest as Fuu repeated the same procedure for Naruto's own leg. The alarm of the sensors in the area grew even more, as Naruto's own signature grew ever more, appearing in their midst out of the blue.

"We are ready." Naruto simply said, two kunai in his hands and his mind focused. 

Hiya Dragons, 

This concludes this weeks chapter.  I apologize for it being so short, but university is a bitch at the moment. 

I hope that I can come back to my usual length shortly. 

Anyways, for this time the dedication is again to @erazerxd again for his reply to the question. As to your reply reaper, I didnt mean exactly this chapter, as you have surely seen, but more like the next chapters in general. 

For this chapter, I dont have a question, so just post what you think, if you want.

That's it for today.

Take care and stay safe, 


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