#48 Contacts

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Their journey towards Yugakure was uneventful, the pair not being bothered by anyone as they walked through the gates of the village, their henges and chakra suppression seals making it easy to slip past the guards without raising suspicions.

Slowly walking through the village, there were little to no trained shinobi that could be seen, although Naruto knew that the village had a fighting force that could defend the village. It surprised him that there was no sign of the martial prowess of the village in sight, even the guards that they had passed had been civilians based on their attitude and Kurama's comments.

Naruto thought back to the many shinobi squads they had met while on the road, as he felt Fuu pull him towards a small food stall. He didn't have time to read what the shop sold before he was pulled through the curtains and almost shoved onto a seat, but he didn't need to since he already knew that there was only one type of food that could elicit that reaction from his girlfriend.

"We'll take two Omurice." The predictable order came from the black haired girl as Naruto shuffled in his seat to sit down properly.

"Really? It's not even noon." He stated laughing.

"It is never too early for rice and egg." Fuu replied, glaring at him with a smile. Shrugging his shoulders Naruto gave in as he was hungry as well, their meals on the trip having consisted mostly of food pills and a few caught animals.

The smell of the food being prepared was nice indeed. Watching the man prepare the two dishes, his thoughts went back to the lack of shinobi in the village.

"Maybe they are all out on patrol, there were a lot more groups than we had expected." Kurama said in response to his thoughts.

"Yeah, although I don't know why they would do something like that?" The redhead replied.

"Probably to show strength towards the other villages. If they really don't have that many shinobi, they most likely don't want anyone to know about it." The bijuu proposed.

"I won't complain, it will make our plan a lot easier if there are fewer shinobi in the village to notice if we capture the contact from Konoha." Naruto said, smiling at Fuu who was leaning on him as they waited for their food.

When the sun had set, Naruto and Fuu stood outside of the east gate, their chakra suppressed and their henge active waiting for someone to appear. The pair had set up a small camp a few minutes outside of Yugakure, not wanting to stay in the city for too long in case anyone got suspicious of them. Silently waiting, they didn't move until they saw someone come towards the gate. Looking around, the person was obviously nervous, his eyes widening as he saw the pair standing against the tree, not too far away.

Naruto held up the contract, earning another shocked look from the young man.

"Where are they?" He asked, his voice barely audible.

"Not here, we wanted to get the money first." Fuu replied, her black hair making her face appear to be glowing in the night.

"I can't do that. I can only give you the money in exchange for the two prisoners." The brown haired man stated, his voice shaking.

"First time?" Naruto asked, his voice more friendly than Fuu's. The man nodded slightly, looking around once more.

"It's my first time out of the village alone. I just made chunin."

"And they sent a chunin to get the Namikaze and his sidekick?" Fuu asked, making Naruto almost laugh out loud at her own description of being a sidekick.

"I guess. I mean, if they are already subdued then there is not much to do, just trade the cash for the two, put them in a stasis scroll and get them to Konoha." The man replied, the nervous smile on his lips never falling

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