#22 Interrogated

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"So, they are definitely powerful."Hiruzen stated as he watched the two teens walk away from the Hokage tower into the crowded streets of Konoha.

"I had trouble even detecting their henges." He continued, earning nods from the shinobi in front of him.

"What do we do about them?" Kakashi asked, not sure about his feelings towards the pair.

"We need to find out where they are from and who they are working for." The old man said, worry evident on his face.

"We could have simply asked them." Asuma suggested.

"We could have, but there is no guarantee that they would tell us the truth. Furthermore I do not want to provoke them, they both seem to be extremely skilled, so a fight would at the very least destroy part of the village." Hiruzen explained.

"I have no idea what we should do." Hiashi admitted, getting an understanding smile from the Hokage.

"Kakashi get me Shikaku." The old man ordered, hoping that the strategist would find a way to get some information about the two teens.

"Do you think they will still tail us?" Fuu asked, as they walked down the street, hands intertwined.

"I don't think so. I hope they will just leave us alone, but you never know." Naruto replied, pulling her closer and putting his arm around her shoulder. The girl snuggled into his side as they wandered around the village.

After a while Naruto saw a sign that he recognized.

"Wow, they are still here." He whispered earning a surprised look from the redhead in his arms.

"What do you mean?"

"That food place used to give me free ramen every once in a while when I was younger." The black haired teen explained looking at the large sign that said 'Ichiraku's'.

"Well, then let's pay them a visit." Fuu suggested.

Naruto walked through the streets of Konoha with a scared look on his face. He constantly turned around to make sure that no one was following him as he stayed in the shadows and looked through the dirt piles for something edible.

"Hey there, little one." The voice made him flinch as he turned around, quickly scanning his surroundings only to find himself trapped in a dead end. Looking up, he saw a girl, no older than fifteen, smiling down at him.

"Why are you rummaging around out here? Shouldn't you be at home eating dinner?" The brown haired girl asked. Naruto didn't want to answer, but his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly at the mention of food. He put his head down in shame, since the stores had, once again, not sold him anything and he hadn't found something to eat in at least a day.

"Oh my, you must be starving." She stated, reaching out for the boy.

Naruto quickly ducked away, not knowing if all of this was a trick by the woman or if she was genuine.

"Come on, don't be like that. I just want to help you. Here, you can follow me and I will lead you to my father's food stand. I promise, he will give you some food." The girl offered, as she stood back up and began to slowly walk away.

Naruto watched her carefully as he weighed his options. He was sure that he was not going to get any better luck in the dark, so the offer from the nice girl was tempting. On the other hand, many different attempts of the villagers to trick him had done a number on his trust towards strangers. In the end his stomach won and he slowly walked behind the teen, staying in the shadows and carefully watching for any signs of a trap around each corner before he followed her.

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