#15 Into The Grass

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"We can't do this!" Hawk argued, pacing around the room.

"We have to." Naruto simply stated.

"Why? Why do we have to? Why do we have to risk our lives for some girl?" The brunette asked, as she came to a halt in front of her boyfriend.

"Because I know her and I know that she doesn't want to be here." The blond boy replied.

"We would be hunted by everyone present. We would lose everything." Hawk looked around the room, her voice going weak.

"We would still have each other and we would gain Fuu."

"What are we three supposed to do against the whole world?" The girl asked.

"I don't want to die like this." She added, sitting down against the wall.

"I think you should tell her." Kurama spoke up in Naruto's mind.

"Come here." Naruto beckoned the girl to sit with him on the bed.

"There are things about me that you don't know. You asked why I'm never showing my back to anyone." The blonde started, as Hawk had sat down next to him.

"I actually don't know if I ever have told you about my time in Konoha. I lived there for the first twelve years of my life." Naruto continued, as he took off his shirt. From the front his body was looking exceptionally well. The constant physical training meant that he didn't have much fat on him and that his muscles were well defined. When he turned however, Hawk's eyes widened. His back was a mess. There were still defined muscles but over them was a maze of scars, most of them were just jagged lines, but the most prominent went from his left shoulder across his back: 'Monster' seemed to be carved into it.

"Oh my god." Was the only reaction the girl could muster.

"I don't like to talk about that time, but it is important that you understand, I would do anything to save others from this fate if they ask me. Fuu has asked now me. She and I have more in common than you think." He put his shirt back on, putting his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.

"I have to show you one more thing." He stated, pushing a bit of chakra into the girl. She was not prepared for this so it didn't take much to overpower her chakra and to pull her mind into his mindscape.

"What? Where are we?" Hawk looked around, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"We are in my mind." Naruto explained, as the girl turned to look at him.


"Because he couldn't show you in the real world without drawing everyone's attention to him." Kurama's deep voice came from his cave. Whirling around the girl watched in horror as the giant orange fox walked out towards the two humans. Naruto watched as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped.

"I am sure you know what I wanted to show you." Naruto said.

"You are a jinchuuriki." Hawk whispered, taking a few steps away to keep some distance between herself and Kurama.

"Yes. We both know Fuu is one as well. I won't leave her here." Naruto looked at the girl, who was still staring at Kurama with wide eyes.

"I, I need some time." She stated, fading from his mindscape.

"I don't think she will come around." Kurama commented, a frown on his face.

"I hope she will." Naruto said, he didn't want to have to choose between saving Fuu or staying with Hawk. He knew exactly who he would pick if it came to that.

"So do you want to get her before or during the wedding? Both options have things going for them." Kurama asked, after a few moments.

"Either way, we will have to get Fuu out of here. I really don't want to fight so many shinobi, even with you and Chomei helping out, it would be a massive blood bath and would destroy most of the village in the process. We need to get her out before the wedding." The blonde insisted.

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