#14 Notes

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Seeing the gates of Sogengakure, Fuu's eyes began to water. She knew that she wanted nothing more than to get away from this place and what it meant for her, but she also knew that this would mean the death of a lot of innocent people.

Even if many of the villagers in Taki had abused her when she was younger, she couldn't bring herself to abandon those that had treated her normally.

The wedding was set to be in three days. Three days to try to figure something out.

The only information she had about this whole thing was that she was to marry Marube Hiatsu, the leader of this village and the date of the wedding.

Her escort was a team of highly trained jonin, who knew more about the whole thing, even though they wouldn't tell her anything. The council had made sure to have a team from Sogengakure with her that harbored no sympathy with the jinchuriki, so as to not have a chance that she would be able to flee. She was under surveillance every minute of the trip.

"I don't know if I can get through this." Fuu whispered, as she followed the leading shinobi, who apparently knew where they had to go.

"It will be alright. I know, you can get through this." Chomei had been her only companion on this trip. The bijuu had been trying to cheer up the girl, although in the circumstances that had proven to be an impossible task. It wasn't even possible to get a smile out of her.

Without anyone stopping them, they walked up to a large house. Two guards stood next to the entrance. They took a look at the small group and opened the door, not saying a word. It didn't seem natural to the girl how no one spoke to her or her guards.

She was led through the halls, trying to memorize the way. Without much success she found herself being pushed into a room, the door closing behind her.

It took her a moment to notice that she was alone. Looking around she grew even more worried. She was standing in a bedroom, a large bed in front of her, a drawer on the right wall, the door out behind her and what seemed like a small bathroom to her left. The walls were white and other than the red carpet there were no decorations in the room.

Carefully stepping around the room she found a note on the cushions.

'Hello my beautiful bride,

I hope that your journey went well. The house you are in is mine, well ours in a few days. I will not join you until our wedding, but after that we will be living in this house. Of course you are more than welcome to explore the house, however if you want to get to know the village, I will have to insist on guards, since there are many that do not particularly like me or what I stand for.

I am looking forward to our big day.


Marube Hiatsu'

"At least he won't be here for another three days, so one less thing to worry about." Fuu thought, scoffing at the idea.

"Let's see the positives in this whole thing; you are not confined to this room or even the house, so we could have better chances to escape than we thought." Chomei reasoned.

"Yes you're right. Let's find something to eat and then we can walk around the village to find a plan." Fuu replied in her thoughts, walking towards the door.

The house was unsurprising, white blank walls everywhere. The only thing that was furnished at all was the kitchen and even there, there was only a big pantry and a few drawers along with a table and chair set. She was happy to find that there was food stocked as well, so she grabbed an apple before making her way to the front door.

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