#17 Intercepted

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Walking through her former village, Fuu had a sad smile on her face seeing the familiar houses and people. The many memories she had made over the course of her life came back to her, memories she had tried to suppress when she had to leave the first time, for Sogengakure. They weren't happy ones at all, most of them were about the shinobi in the village whispering about her behind her back or how the teams she requested for support on missions took their time to arrive and sometimes wouldn't even come at all. There were few happy memories, meeting Shibuki, the small kind gestures by the civilians who treated her like any other girl, since they didn't know about Chomei, the small birthday party Shibuki had arranged when she had turned ten and graduated the academy. It was a whirlwind of emotions, not even Fuu herself could have said, if the tear rolling down her face was one of happiness or sadness at the prospect of leaving the village for good.

Walking up to her old apartment, she looked for her key. Looking around, this was the first time that Fuu was glad that the entrance to her home was not on the street along with the other apartment doors. No one saw her as she opened the door, slipping into the dark room.

It took her a while until she found what she was looking for: The only picture she had of her parents. Shibuki had given it to her, when she had turned ten. It showed a man of small stature sitting next to a taller woman, smiles on their faces. They were only twenty and twenty one when the picture was taken, but still the resemblance between the pair and Fuu was undeniable. She had her mother's features, but her father's complexion and eye color.

Smiling, she sealed the picture into one of her pockets. Looking around the place, she nodded to herself. She had everything she needed.

"You got the letter?" Naruto looked up as he heard Fuu's voice. He nodded, his mask not showing the small smile on his lips.

"Let's go then." The girl held her hand out for Naruto to stand up. They quickly began their way back towards Sogengakure, although this time they were going even further into the land of grass.

It was weird jumping through the grasslands that they had left only a day before. It felt even more off because Naruto and Fuu both knew that they could not get found out. Naruto was constantly on edge, while Kurama was searching the area for chakra signatures. Fuu had assured him that Chomei was doing the same thing, however the red haired shinobi still felt uneasy whenever they crossed one of the usual traveling paths.

"Incoming, three signatures." Kurama announced. Looking over he met Fuu's gaze, who nodded, showing him that Chomei had also sensed the coming confrontation. Slowing their pace, the pair waited next to a large boulder, hoping to make a more peaceful impression that way.

However that illusion was quickly shattered as a salvo of kunai sped towards the pair. Naruto jumped towards Fuu, tackling her to the ground as the weapons flew over their heads. The two jinchurikis looked at each other before quickly jumping up again and readying themselves. Naruto took out a sword while Fuu had two of her own kunai in her hands.

"Two on the left, one on the right." Kurama informed the boy, who turned slightly towards the larger threat.

"Take down the one on the left, I'll try to keep the other two occupied." He whispered to Fuu who nodded. His eyes constantly scanning the grass he caught a glimpse of a weapon, reflecting the sunlight. Immediately he jumped into the brush, his sword raised. Swinging at the shinobi, a clang was heard as his attack was blocked. Another clang followed soon after as Naruto blocked a counter attack from the second shinobi. Jumping back, he stood in front of two shinobi, both with weapons that showed clear signs of heavy use. It was clear that these were trained shinobi, but he was not to be underestimated either. He would give Fuu the time to dispatch her opponent.

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