#34 Back Again

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They had crossed the borders of the land of fire two days ago. Naruto was happy that they were not hunted by Konoha, he really didn't want to have to deal with them anymore. The nights were the hardest for him, whenever he felt the girl next to him move in her sleep, he woke up, immediately checking if she was still there. Fuu said that she found it sweet how scared he was to lose her, although she admitted that she did not want a repeat of the situation. The rain around Amegakure was making the journey uncomfortable as they had to hang up their clothes overnight, hoping that they would dry out while they slept and even then the pair would have to slip into still damp cloth in the morning.

"Where are we even going?" Fuu asked, as they hung up their clothes for the night.

"I honestly don't know, I was just looking for the fastest way away from Konoha and the land of fire." Naruto admitted, starting a small fire.

"Well, we should have a plan. I mean, we are not in immediate danger anymore." The green haired girl said, sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, you are right." Naruto unsealed his sleeping bag, placing it next to the fire, Fuu and him moving onto it to use it as a cushion.

"Where could we go from here?" Fuu asked, letting her head rest on her boyfriend's shoulder as the blonde took out a small map.

"There is Tanigakure in the land of rivers. We can also go to Sunagakure or Iwagakure, they are also not too far away from here. Ishigakure and Kusagakure would be the closest, although I think that all of these are a bit too close to Konoha for now, we could run the risk of getting tracked down there. We could go to Taki if you want to see how they are doing or we can go through Ishigakure into the land of spring. There is a small village called Janpugakure, although I don't know anything about it." Naruto went through all the different options they had. He didn't bring up any of the lands east of the land of fire, since that would mean that they needed to go through Konoha controlled territory.

"I think going to Taki would not be so good, since I am pretty sure that they will try to find out who I am and that is going to lead them straight there." Fuu stated. Naruto saw in her eyes that she was not happy with her own words.

"We could go there for a few days and check in on them. I agree that Konoha will probably try to find me through you, but it will be a while until they realize who you are and where you are from." He said, smiling at the happy spark that lit up his girlfriend's eyes. Fuu didn't even reply as she pressed her lips on his cheek.

"That is settled then." Naruto said, resealing the map and laying down on the sleeping back, Fuu settled in next to him, placing her head on his chest.

Looking around the familiar greenery she felt a little bit anxious as they got closer to her former home. Naruto smiled at her, taking her hand, comforting her. They had been slightly surprised that nobody had stopped them when they entered the land of waterfalls. The latest information the pair had about the village was that they were still at war with Sogengakure so they had expected to run into some patrols at least. However they had not seen a single shinobi.

"Halt state your business." The shinobi at the gate demanded as the pair walked up to him.

"We would like to enter the village." Naruto replied, his voice resounding in his mask.

"Name and reason?" The guard asked further.

"Asuna Yuuki and Kazuto Kirigaya and we want to spend our vacation here." The redhead stated, taking Naruto's hand.

"You will need to take off your masks and because you are shinobi, you will have to talk to our leader to see if he allows you to walk around the village freely or not." The guard explained as an Anbu appeared while Naruto and Fuu took their masks off. The remaining masked shinobi didn't say a word, simply placing his hands on their shoulders before they disappeared in a shushin.

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