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"Yoongi has been MIA for 2 days since that incident Min."

Hyojin told me right away as i entered the club.

"Hyojin-ah, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

She nodded at me as she gives me a look of concern, after Taehyung told me everything 2 days ago, i told Hyojin the details as well.

I'm still mad at him for sleeping with Yunji and had the nerve to say it was nothing but i think he deserves to have his name cleaned.

that's the least that i could do.

"do you know where he lives?" i asked Hyojin as she shake her head, means she has no idea.

We know that Yoongi is the one behind that mess, i connect the dot from the way he hasn't responded to Hyojin and i.

It's too obvious, we still need him tho and want to hear his side of story.

He is the one who handle the account of our news portal and we can't sign in since then because he changed the God damn password.

"fuck it, fuck the portal, you know what? let's make a new base, we will spill everything on there. all we need is a valid proof that Taehyung wasn't the father, that way we can save his career."

Hyojin nodded in agreement.

"let's do this." i said as i started to collect receipts.

her diary can be the key to save Taehyung.

"we are about to do some illegal shit Hyojin, are you up for it?" she nods.

"count me in too." a voice interrupted us as we turn around to have the flower boy Kim Seokjin smiling at us.

"i know Taehyung, he is an asshole but he isn't a murder, he won't have the heart to tell a girl to kill their baby, he loves children." he told us as i listen to him.

"i won't let my friend suffer like that alone, i know he is innocent in this case." i smiled at him as he says that.

"welcome to the jungle Jin." i welcome him as he then took a seat with us.

"now, this is how we are going to get Yoongi's file from the principal office."

I said as i stand up from my chair and write down our strategy on our board.

"don't go home after the bell rang, go wait inside the toilet, we will sneak into his room once he went home, that's our original plan and the plan B..."

"plan B required me." Jimin then came in with a smirk on his face as he winked at me.

"you goodie two shoes have zero information regarding Mr. Bang, aren't you? he loves to stay in this school really late, the earliest time that he usually go home is at 10 PM. don't ask me how do i know that, i have my ways, so just in case he goes home late today, I'm going to pull a prank on him." he says as i was in awe how he knows so much about Mr. Bang.

"what kind of prank?" Jin asked.

"you'll see." Jimin says as we are very concerned, knowing how crazy Jimin can get.

"don't do anything too crazy, he is just an old man Jimin, we only need one file, don't do anything too extravagant." i warned him as he just smirked.

"define crazy?"

he asked as i sighed.

"just don't make him passed out, he is a nice old guy and still our principle."

"ay ay captain." he responded.

*magical time skip*

Taehyung Protection Program

Me: looks like we need plan B.

Jimin: on it!

"Don't laugh Jin, i know you want to laugh!" i scolded him as he bite his lower lips trying so hard not to laugh after hearing Mr. Bang screamed like a little girl, his high pitched voice when he screams.

"sorry but that was peak comedy!" Jin said.

Jimin: ok, target left the school.

Me: Thank you agent Jim!

Jimin: my pleasure Agent Min!

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAH" Jin then laughed out loud startled both me and Hyojin.

"what the fuck Jin?!" Hyojin scolded him as she hit his arm.

"Sorry i can't help it anymore." he says as he laughed so hard.

"Hyojin and i are going in, you wait here and tell us if there is someone coming."

I told Jin as he nods.

We started to go look for Yoongi's file in Mr. Bang's office.

"Min, i found it!" Hyojin says as i rushed to her as i look at the file and took a picture of his address.

"okay, let's go." i told her as we put back the file and leave.

Taehyung Protection Program

Jimin: what took u guys so long?

JIN: on our way dude.

Hyojin: wait for us!

Me: ^2


Taehyung POV

I couldn't get out from my room since the scandal, there's paparazzi in front of my place.

"Jesus, how many more days are we going to stay inside? when are they going to leave?"

my brother Namjoon complained as he look from our window, i haven't get out from my room for 2 days in a row.

"until they get a statement from me." i said as i sighed.

I don't even bother to check my phone, i know my phone is blowing up with notifications from everybody, plus it's not like i still have a reason to play with my phone, Minji still doesn't want to talk to me, my fans turn into haters and sending me death threats.

So i just play with Yeontan, my mini pom.

"you don't do anything wrong Tae, just tell them." Namjoon says as i sighed again.

"how? by telling them that it wasn't my baby? with no valid proof? i will just get even more back lash."

i told him as he nods to my answer.

"has Hoseok said anything?"

"yeah, he said that he is dealing with the press and he need me to not say anything."

"what about Minji?" he asked as i sighed the loudest.

"she is still mad at me and asked for some space." i frowned at that.

i miss her already.

"yeah, give her space, take this time to reflect on yourself Tae."

"i just don't get it hyung, why is she so mad about Yunji? i told her that what Yunji and i had was nothing."

It's his turn to sigh this time.

"i don't know Minji that well, but from your story i can tell that she is a girl who took sex seriously, and you telling her that what you and Yunji had was nothing makes her mad and worry at the same time, she thinks that you just fuck around without any consideration, it makes her think that you can do that to her too one day, that scares her, that's why she is mad at you, especially with the fact that you knew Yunji had a crush on you, do you have any idea how much of an asshole you sounded?" he told me, he got a point.

I didn't even realize that what i said really affected her that way.

"i fucked up, didn't i hyung?"

"yeah you did, but you still can make it right."

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now