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if you think that things will change after what happened to Taehyung, you are wrong.

people still desperately trying to drag each other down, like this anonymous message that we just received this morning.

"Min Ji, you should tell him, he is your boyfriend, the least that you can do after receiving this is asking him if it was true."

this time someone sent us an email about Jimin's past that i didn't know would left me speechless.

"what if it was true-"

"are you fucking kidding me Minji? he is your boyfriend! he's been nothing but a sweet loyal boyfriend to you, and once someone sent us shit like this you will turn your head on him and believing an anon?! are you really this dumb?"

"i just-"

"what? you are scared that he will be just like Taehyung? is that what you are saying?"

shit, i have forgotten the fact that i have a best friend that can read me like a book.

"Min Ji, fucking communicate with your boyfriend, it's better to listen to his side of story instead of an anonymous email like this. use your common sense."

right, but my question is why would anyone even bother to send me stuff about Jimin? it's not like Jimin will be a threat to anyone, he isn't that popular or even care about fame that much, he doesn't have that much of an admirer either so why this?

me: we need to talk.

Jimin: r u breaking up with me?

me: wtf? no.

Jimin: thank God, i was scared for a second that u wanted to break up.

me: why would i even want to break up with u?

Jimin: hehe...

me: Jimin what did you do?!

Jimin: 🥺 I'm just being a good boyfriend i swear.

me: what. did. you. do?

Jimin: i love you.

me: stfu, what did you do?!

"Minji, you should come to the canteen real quick!"

i groaned as i follow Hoshi to the canteen and as i arrived i saw Jimin with bleeding lips, and Taehyung laying on the floor with bruises.

Jesus Christ.


Taehyung just groaned on the floor helplessly as Jimin just look at me with soft eyes.

"he started it first." Jimin said as i look at Taehyung. poor guy was in pain.

"what the fuck did you do Taehyung?"

he smirked to my face and laugh.

"telling everyone that you are such a slut."

not going to lie that shit hurt, but I'm not going to let that one slide, i don't know what happened to him but the Taehyung i used to know would never done this. he has changed.

"and you still can't even fuck this slut." i told him as i turn my head on him to Jimin.

"i don't fuck with cheap slut like you anyway." he says, Jimin was so ready to throw hands.

"me? cheap? what about you then? you fucked Yoonji for fun, for pleasure, before you slutshaming me, you better look at your self in the mirror, that dick was free for everyone that crawl on to you. you talk shit about me because what? i rejected you? grow up asshole."

"who the fuck do you think you are?"

"i saved your ass from being the public enemy Kim Taehyung, you better not fuck with me or i will end your whole career, watch it i saved your ass once!
i can easily destroy you too remember that." and with that i left him speechless.

that's what i thought bitch.


"are you still mad at me?" he asked as i just sighed while cleaning his lips.

"no." but of course he is Park Jimin, he knows me too well.

"you seems like you have something bothering you, what is it? hmm?"

see? this is why i like him a lot, he can tell what's bothering me without me saying anything to him.

"do you have something else to tell me?" i asked.

"i told you i beat him up because he talk shit about you-"

"no, not that, something about your past Jimin, something that maybe not everyone knows about but yourself."

and i don't know what is it but his face shifted to a very uncomfortable look as i said that.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"you know what i mean."

"i don't." he said firmly.

"you do."

"no i don't!" he snapped.

that surprised me, so he does have something in his past.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you like that love, it's just i-"

"it's fine, maybe you have some time to think and tell me. i know you have something in the past, everyone have a past, bad ones or good ones, it's something that maybe formed you into the kind of person that you are today, but it doesn't define you as a whole."

i left him alone as i told him that, i know he needed some time to clear his mind.

but as i walk back to class that anonymous email apparently can't leave me alone.

"a stranger can tell you 2 things either the truth or a rumour, it's not my place to decide but you, Min Ji."

i stood there completely frozen with what i just read and saw.

a bunch of disgusting pictures from his past, and a sex tape.

Jimin, who are you?

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now