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Unlike usual, today he doesn't even bother to greet me or say anything to me, he acts like i was invisible.

are we going back to the times when we grew apart and became stranger all over again?

he just walked pass me like he doesn't know me.

fine, if that's what he wants.

"did he just ignored you?!"  Hyorin asked.

i shrugged my shoulder as i act like i don't give a fuck, but if i can be honest I'm kinda hurt with the way he act to me today, but at the same time feel glad that he doesn't bother to bring yesterday drama up.

it's unnecessary and frankly, it isn't that deep.

"what happened with you two? i thought you guys are  a thing now?" she asked as i laughed at that.

I'm not even sure with my feelings anymore, how are we supposed to become a thing?

"nothing happens." i told her.


"hey ladies." she got interrupted by Jimin, as he wrapped his hand around my shoulder.

"hands off her!" says Hyorin as he ignored her, this is something that Jimin always do everyday, i should not feel nervous by now.

his hands keep touching my arms as he always do, he is a very touchy person, everyone knows this, especially when he is close and comfortable enough with the people around him. he can't live without touching us.

i never mind it before, didn't really think about it before, now all i could think of is his hands around my shoulder.

i weirdly love his hands on me? i feel safe?

Me: can u take ur hands off me? Chim?

Jimin: i mean i could but why would i want to?

Jimin: i mean i could but why would i want to?

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Me: no but fr Chim. ☺

Jimin: lol and I'm fr too Min. 😌

Me: don't be stubborn, do u not see the look on Taehyung's face? i really not in the mood for drama.

Jimin: so? i do this everyday to u, why r u acting up just now? did i make u nervous? he never make a big deal out of it before anw.


Jimin: oh is that so? well now he knows.

Me: what?! r u serious rn?

Jimin: do u want me to kiss u too while I'm at it as well Min? just relax.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now