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Our lips collided, if this was me few months ago, I'd probably had butterflies roaming in my stomach as he was desperately begging for me to stay with him.

"i don't have a place in your heart anymore do i Min?"

his tears was running down his beautiful sculpted face, his voice was on the edge of breaking, because my action earlier just broke him completely.

"i- I'm sorry Tae.."

that's all i could say to him right now, usually i have so many words to tell him,  but seeing him the way that he is right now? sorry is all i can offer although i know i can't make him feel better by just a mere sorry from me, if anything he probably feel worse but it wasn't my intention to hurt him.

i can't control my feelings can i?

"no, don't be sorry, it's okay we can start over Min, give me a chance hmm? please? i know i fucked up but i want to make it right for you, for us.."

he begged with his glistening eyes.

"there was never us Tae, please you will only end up hurt, what if i can't give you what you want?"

he shakes his head aggressively in form of rejection of what i just said.

"no! no! Min you are all i ever wanted more than anything, please let me make it up to you, i can make it right."

this time his hand gripped mine tightly.

"Tae, enough! despite everything that just happened, you and i are too different from each other, i told you from the start didn't i? i never want to get involved with your world anymore, because it's too much for me, besides the world i live in, the passion that I'm in will ruin you one day, would you let me ruin your life just because?"

"i would..." he said surprisingly so.

"i would because it's you, i can be my self around you and i like me better when I'm with you Min."

"can't you see how toxic our relationship will be Tae?"

don't get me wrong I'm not planning to ruin his life by becoming a journalist one day, but y'all get what I'm saying right? being a journalist means i exposed truths, even ugly truth.

Yunji case has been an opening eyes to me that being even more involve with him wasn't wise, he is too far deep in his modelling world and i can't possibly take that away from him, a famous model like him dating a journalist doesn't sound perfect to me.

i don't know, everything feels so wrong to me every time i think about Tae and i together, it feels like i don't know him that much and i don't exactly see my self with him like that.

maybe i look like I'm looking for excuses just to hurt him but really i didn't mean it like that.

"I'll stop modelling."

see? i don't want him to give his career up just for me, it feels like a burden if he stop doing what he's best at just to be with me, I'm not that special and what if one day i let him down?

"no, you won't" i said to him.


he snapped as his fist meet the wall next to me, my heart skipped a beat when he did that not because i found it attractive but it was because i never seen this side of him before and it scares me to my core.

"FUCK!" he yelled in frustration as he saw the fear on my face when he did that.

"i don't know who you are anymore, maybe this whole time, i never really know you that much, and my answer stays the same." i told him straight away as i was trying to leave but he hold my hand tight before i could move.

"let me go Tae." his grip only get tighter as i said that.

"no." he said firmly.

"you are hurting me." he didn't budge.

"Tae please, don't do this." i told him as he pulled me closer to him.

"why? you don't want me anymore after discovering the ugly truth about me and Yunji? i thought you are the real one Minji."

"Tae, this isn't who you are." i told him as he scoffed at me.

"as you said Min, you never really know me, maybe this is who i actually am?"

but before i can answer him, someone beat me to it by kicking him off me.

it was Jimin.

"didn't she said to let her go?" he asked with his busan dialect as he look at Taehyung with a glare.

"fuck off Jimin."

"and if i don't want to? what are you gonna do about it?"

"you really have a death wish don't you?!" Taehyung said, more of threatening him though.

"no, of course not i still want to shower Minji with love and affection, you know? things that you can't relate to." he answer back provoking Taehyung.

and he succeeded, because right after he said that, Taehyung punched him right on his face.

"TAEHYUNG STOP!" but it didn't seem to help at all.

so i did what i had to do, call me dramatic and probably bitchy as fuck but i had to do it other wise Jimin will end up in a fucking hospital with broken ribs, i can't risk it.

"if you aren't going to stop Tae, I'll jump."

fuck I'm scared of heights.

"Minji..." he stopped, oh God thank you, i thought i was going to shit my pants for nothing.

the look on his face when he saw me standing over the edge was full of worry.

he look at me one more time and left.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now