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"Jimin, read the book, not me."

He then sighed again, we've been studying for an hour and i got to say Jimin is actually a fast learner, i know he isn't a dumb guy to begin with, he just needs a different way to learn, maybe the one that i provide is the better and faster way for him to understand than the teacher do.

"I'm bored now, can i ask you a question instead?"

Okay fair enough, we deserve a break from all these books.

"i know that you never date anyone before but do you have like a crush on someone?"

I rolled my eyes at his question.

"oh come on now Min, there must have been someone?"

"what makes you think that i will tell you?"

"so, there is someone."

here is the thing about Jimin, he is slow at the academic aspects but when it comes to people he is very aware and sensitive, Taehyung was an exceptional because then again Jimin is Jimin, he sometimes love making people mad.

"no, there isn't."

another lie, but it's harmless.


i hate how very aware and sensible this bitch is sometimes.

"okay, there is someone but that doesn't matter."

"it is matter!" he says as i just sighed.

"no, it isn't."

"yes, it is, who?"

fuck, and as i was about to answer him, the devil invited him self in.

Taehyung is here and he isn't happy with  what's in front of him.

"you haven't replying to my text for the past hours, and i thought you are hurt or something...

only to find you here with him? laughing? without me?!"

And as if things aren't messy enough, Jimin put his hand on my shoulder.

"we aren't laughing, as a matter of fact she is my tutor now." he says as a smirk was formed on his face.

"excuse me? your tutor? since when?"

"since today." i told him.

"and who allowed you to be his tutor?"

okay, hold up he is being irrational, i don't need permission to help a friend out with their grades.

"Mr. Bang and his father ALLOWED me, and of course MY self, what's your deal anyway? why are you so pissed?"

"are you sure this is not just one of his tricks to get into your pants?"


"Kim Taehyung! do you take me as a stupid naive girl who will just let anyone fuck her? is that how you see me? have you ever thought that I'm capable to protect my self from whatever bullshit you thought is happening between Jimin and i? i appreciate your concern really, but I'm sick of you keep saying non sense as if I'm stupid and weak."

"that's not what i meant-"

"then stop making it like it's a big deal, Jimin been nothing but a kind friend to me, stop assuming things that isn't even happening, and one more thing..."

yep, i have completely gone insane.

"even if Jimin and i fucked, that shouldn't concern you, we are friends nothing more."

i seriously need to shut my mouth, but Taehyung seriously need to chill.

"we are more than just a friend Minmin..."


"don't you get it? i like you!"

he got to be joking.


Jimin was left speechless with Taehyung sudden confession.

"uh oh, awkward

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"uh oh, awkward..."

He states as he collect his book to his bag and yeeted himself out from my house.


what a fucking traitor.

"you have no idea how happy i was when i accidentally drunk texting you, mistaken you as Namjoon. i thought i had a chance to make it right again."

"you were drunk texting me because Shira broke up with you, you were drunk because of her, you don't like me like that Taehyung, you want to make me as your rebound."

yeah it must be that.

"NO! God, that was just my excuse! Shira was my girlfriend, but i never like her to the extend that i will go bat shit crazy if she left me, i was drunk because I'm tired with my life. i missed everything before i became a heartthrob in our school, most of all i have always missed you."

Jesus fucking Christ, he is always so full of surprises.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now