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Min Ji POV 

Come on Min Ji think, if you were Yun Ji where would you put your diary? the real diary that have so many dark secrets about her, one that will not be easily reached by just about anyone, my eyes keep scanning the messy room that belongs to Yun Ji, speaking of her i actually feel bad for her instead of mad that she has ruined Taehyung's life, i feel like she is terribly hurt to a point that she would do such thing, i believe people always have their own reason of why they do what they did to others.

Even though still there is no excuse to ruin people lives just because yours is already messed up, from what i have heard the story about Yun Ji,  she is not easy to fall in love with just anyone but when she does, she fell hard.

Judging from how Yoongi family is, my guess is that she was lacking of attention from her parents, Yoongi was the only person in her family who truly cared about her and with Yoongi left home to became a trainee she felt alone, and meeting Taehyung changed everything.

she doesn't feel as lonely as she used to anymore, she fell hard for him too bad he only saw her as nothing more than just a friend and frankly let's be real, Taehyung was an asshole too. he lured her in, made her think that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him only for her to realize that they are just friends who sleep together.

with the fact that Taehyung wasn't in love with her, and the fact that he started to became distant with her after she confessed, the loneliness started to messed her up again, she couldn't handle the fact that she lost him, so she went after Jungkook who would gave her all the attention she wanted and craved.

still no matter how affectionate Jungkook was to her, somehow Taehyung still the winner in her heart.

"are you done? see? i told you there is no 'real diary' or 'fake diary' Taehyung left my sister in a misery and-"

"and i found it Yoongi." i cut him off as he look at my direction and the red journal in my hand.

"is that?" he asked as i nodded.

"yes." i told him as he couldn't believe his eyes.

well, let's unfold some truths.

some very disturbing truths about Yun Ji's feeling and emotions.

my predictions turned out right and Taehyung wasn't the father, it was Jungkook's.

her love for Taehyung turned into an obsession, she became obsessive and would do anything to have him or even just the slightest attention from him, even though it means that she got knocked up by Jungkook, everything to made Taehyung blink an eye towards her.

she would do it, she was down bad for him.

"i couldn't believe it, this wasn't the Yunji i knew!" Yoongi says as he was in a denial, couldn't blame him, he believed that his sister was a good girl because that's what she has always been when she was with him, and maybe she was indeed a good girl.

until she got her heart broken and left alone.

"people change Yoongi, especially after they been through a lot." this time Jimin speak up from his perspective, if anything he knew it better than anyone, because he was once a good boy until life let him down. 

"but i-" tears started to run down his pale cheeks, well it's red now since he's been holding back his tears. 

"i know it's hard for you to proceed the truth Yoongi, but it is what it is." Jin said as Yoongi got even more frustrated with everything that he just found out. 

"do you know what this means Min Ji? this means i just ruined an innocent boy's life."

now it's all clear to Yoongi why he still feel odd even after the revenge attempt, it's because Taehyung was never responsible of her pregnancy, it was all hers.

she just made it seems like it was his fault for not returning her feelings. 

"you can still fix it Yoongi, it's still not too late." i told him as he look at me with a glistening eyes.

"how?" he asked.

"by exposing her diary." i told him.

"but that's her privacy."

"not the whole book dumbass, just a few part that can save Taehyung's career." i told him with a serious look as he took a deep sigh.

"this will be a boomerang to me." he says as i have had it with him, my patience running thin.

"BITCH YOU BETTER BE JOKING?! YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT THIS THROUGH BEFORE YOU GO AND RUINING TAEHYUNG'S LIFE!" i snapped at him as i made everyone in the room flinched from my outburst, it's a rare sight for them to see me mad like this.


"you better fix this bullshit Yoongi, if you don't then i will, and i know you wouldn't want me to do that because i can easily turn everyone against you through my words, you know damn well what i'm capable of doing Yoongi, you have seen me do it and i will do it again."

he then look at me dead in the eyes and said "Go Min Ji, did you just threatened me?"

"Min Yoongi, did i just saw you flinched by my threats?" he then smirked at me.

"i just know you are a great journalist, don't worry i'll fix this. you can do it if you don't see any updates coming from me before 12." he told me as i smile at him.

"good, i better be going." i told him as i left his place along with Jimin and Jin.

"i didn't knew you can be that scary." Jin said as i look at him and laughed.

"don't piss me off and you will be fine." i told him as he laughed and said "don't worry i choose life."

that got me laughing hard.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now