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"okay now speak, what do you want to talk about?"

he is still sulky with the fact that Jimin gave me his chocolate milk during lunch,
it's chocolate milk, i can't say no to that if having a tasteless friends who hates chocolate milk means i can have more then yes he can be my friend.

"what was that about? why did he gave you his milk?"

"who pissed on your cereal this morning?" i asked back as he gets even more annoyed than before.

"he definitely will try something to have you, i can sense it."

My God, why is he so bother by it? even if Jimin did try something, it doesn't matter, i only have eyes on Taehyung.

"if that is all you want to talk about, I'll get going."

He then stopped me from leaving, he took my wrist and sigh.

"okay fine, Jeongguk and i are one of the candidates to be the Brand Ambassador of our school, see i need a support from your club."

oh i know where this is going.

"Kim Taehyung, that is a black campaign i can't help you with that."


"you want me to make a bad rumors about Mingyu and Joshua right? so that they will be eliminated due to the bad reputation and negative impact they brought from the rumors, that way it will only leave you two competing against Soobin and Yeonjun."

he was left speechless at my explanations.


"our club only speak facts and the truth only, we are only open for those with proofs otherwise it's not happening." i explained to him.

"you are such a genius, it hurts sometimes." he complains.

"yeah? where does it hurts?"

"right he-"

"go cry about it." i cut him off as i left.

"Go Min Ji, wait! don't leave me, I'm not done talking!"

this is another reason why I'm not associating my self with Taehyung anymore, since he is famous he hates losing, he has to be the winner, and that makes him grow into someone who would do literally anything to win, even if it's a foul play.

that's his toxic trait that I've noticed since he became famous, it's like fame has been corrupting him.

"it's not a rumor if there is proof right?"

he asked as i turn around to face him again.


"okay, here's the proof." he says as he hands me a flash disk.

"i will bring this to my club if it's enough we can do something about it, we will contact you in advance." i told him as he then smiles at me.

I'm weak for that smile.


what was that about?

what was what?

Taehyung and Jimin? in the cafeteria, during lunch?

idk, probably overloaded testosterone get the best of them and made them pulled some dumb actions.

u r so dense.

I'm too tired for this bullshit Hyojin, stop it. 😡

u don't understand, i can sense it, they are totally into you and that was them fighting for dominance.

and i should care?

umm duh!!!!

I'll pass, the other one is a fuck boy and the other one is a slave for fame.

don't u like in love with Taehyung?

u r exaggerating, I'm not in love.

sure ~



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REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now