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Jimin POV

The darkness of night still fail to hide her beauty next to me, the moon shines bright illuminating her face.

God, isn't she beautiful?

i look up to the night sky, watching the beautiful moon wishing that she has no idea the meaning of what I'm about to say.

"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" i asked her, scratch that i confessed to her.

"it is." she answers, i turned to her only to find her drawn to the beauty of the moon.

the moon was indeed beautiful, but she was so much more.

if you ask me why her? i could write a book about her and you will understand why.

the way that she believed in me for getting my self a better grades, she made me believe i can be a better person, i love her straightforward answer to everything, i love how she always has a way with words that left her opponent speechless and ended up agreeing with her, she is smart, she is kind, she is beautiful, she isn't perfect and she doesn't have to be.

she is her own person and that's enough for me.

i wish she knew that i wouldn't leave her even if one day i got famous, fuck that.

i would choose her any day than fame.

Taehyung was an idiot for leaving her for fame.

"i got to go home now, it's late already." she told me as she got up.

"okay, I'll walk you home."

"you don't have to Chim."

"i insist." i said as i took her hand in mine, i really wish i could stop the time because holding hands with her is one of my favourite thing to do.

her small hand fits perfectly in mine.

funny how my intention towards her when we first met was simply just to fuck around like i always did back in Seoul now look at me.

holding hands with her and wish that i could hold her hand forever not as friends but as her lover, though i know better.

i don't deserve her, I'm far too broken for her, the only thing that i can do now is just be there for her no matter what.

I'm fine with what she and i have, a beautiful friendship, but i can't help to feel envious whenever i watch her with him.

"thank you for walking me home, Chim."

she said as i watch her walk into her house.

"good night my love."


Tae: can i call u?
Tae: hello? min?
Tae: whre r u?
Tae: i miss u, i know we just met this morning at skool but 🥺🥺
Tae: minmin :(

Tae: can i call u? Tae: hello? min? Tae: whre r u? Tae: i miss u, i know we just met this morning at skool but 🥺🥺Tae: minmin :(

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5 missed calls from Tae

Tae: God Dammit Min 🙂
Tae: did i do something wrong?

fuck, he will be so mad tomorrow.

Me: sorry late reply Tae, i was out looking for a fresh air and i put my phone on airplane mode.

Tae: liar!

Me: huh?

Tae: u look for fresh air for hours? who does that? i saw u with Jimin just now, he walked u home right? 🙂

"ah shit, i do not have time for this."

Me: i can explain.

Tae: where were u?

Me: I'm sorry Tae i can't tell u, it's Jimin's safe place, not my place to tell.

Tae: of course. 😀

Me: yeah... sorry..

Tae: don't be, u don't have to explain to me abt everything u do, u aren't obligated, after all we are nothing special right? I'm not that important to u anw.

Me: Tae, i really do not have the energy and time for this bs.

Tae: When do u even have time for me? u always have time for Jimin not me.

Me: r u fr right now?!

he is mad, usually i would question my self if what i did really was wrong or simply apologizing just because i don't want to piss him even more or makes him even more upset, but now? not anymore.

if he is going to be mad at me over something stupid then let him be mad.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now