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It's still baffle me how quick the internet turn sides after the truth was told, people won't stop talking about how crazy it was for Yunji to do such thing, they called her names knowing that she isn't even breathing and walking on this planet anymore.

Some even glad that she took her own life, what a scary world we live in.

it's still doesn't sit right to me that people call her psychotic slut for what happened in the past and consider Taehyung as innocent.

because he wasn't entirely innocent in my opinion, i might like him but I'm not blind to not see that he was in fact an asshole to Yunji.

he wasn't the father of her child, but he knew how much she loved him and he still chose to had sex with her and told her that it meant nothing the next day.

if that wasn't a borderline asshole fuckboy move, then i don't know what is.

call me prude for thinking that way i don't care, but if people hating on Yunji for fucking both Taehyung and Jungkook and using Jungkook valid feelings for her to get back at Taehyung, why do they call Taehyung innocent then? he still fucked her while knowing she liked him and left her the next day.

my crush isn't entirely a saint or an angel, and honestly after knowing this my feelings toward him started to change.

am i a bad person to feel disappointed for what he did?

"i thought everything is fine now with him, why are you here?" Jimin asked breaking the silence i have in this building.

since the day i fixed Taehyung reputation, I've been visiting this place quite often after spending time with him, simply to find peace and probably an answer to my confusion that i have at the moment.

"i don't know, maybe it's fine for him, i feel odd." i told him not realising that Jimin was already staring at me with an indescribable facial expressions.

"how odd?"

"it was so easy for him to say that it meant nothing for him after he literally had sex with her Jimin, it's just how could he say that? they share each other salivas for fuck sake and he has the audacity to say that it was nothing for him? how could it meant nothing? it was nothing for him but something for her, she liked him and he knew it, how could he do such thing after knowing her feelings toward him? how could he fucked her after that and claimed that it meant nothing? and on top of that he didn't do it once, he did it multiple times, if it was nothing why did he do it several times?"

maybe if he didn't knew her feelings for him i could still tolerate it? but the fact that he knew and still fuck around with her without considering her feelings makes me sick.

"are you worried or are you disgusted by him?" he asked as he light a cigarette on his mouth, letting the white smoke vanish to the air.

"both." i told him, he glanced at me as i gave him my answer.


"I'm worried because it's impossible that he did not developed any kind of feelings toward her, and if he didn't that's even more worrying, it means he is heartless and a total dickhead Chim, and I'm disgusted with the fact that he could easily told me that it meant nothing in hope that i will let it slide because again, it meant nothing to him, well i can't just let it slide!"

i explained to him frustratingly, maybe because sex is crucial to me, it's not something that you just do and forget.

"maybe, just maybe Min. you are disappointed because the idea you create in your mind about Taehyung was far far a better man that the real Taehyung you know today."

is it? i don't know, but Jimin has a point as well.

Maybe i had a crush on the idea of Taehyung i created in my mind, i always thought of him as the perfect guy, because that's how the media portrait him, the perfect guy who has it all.

I'm forgetting the fact that no one is ever perfect, and he is human who has evil deeds.

how could i forget that and blindly believe what the media shows me?

"don't think about it too much Min, your heart knows where it belongs."

Jimin once again surprised me, because if you see a kid like him in school, you will never thought that he can be wise or even give you a piece of advice.

Park Jimin, you are something else.

"take a picture, it lasts longer." he said jokingly, knowing that I've been staring at him after he gave me an advice about how my heart knows where it belongs.

"you always surprised me Chim."

he turn to me and smile, a sweet smile that got me flustered for the first time ever.

"don't give me that look Chim." i told him as he gets confused.

"what look?" he asked.

"that look, that deep stare, as if you look deeply into my soul and want to keep me safe." i told him as he was surprised at my straightforward answer.

"i can't help it, every time i look at you i want to keep you safe Min." that was a genuine response, it wasn't flirty like usual.

"safe? from what?"

"from this cruel world, and i want you to know that I'm here, I'm always here in our safe place Min, you can cry all you want, laugh all you want, I'll be here with an open arms to comfort you when the world no longer makes you feel at ease."

"why would you do that to me?"

"because it's painful to see you suffer, i want to keep that beautiful smile of yours forever."

God, he is just a friend, but why did my heart beat so fast after hearing that? he looked up to the beautiful dark sky above us, the moon shines so bright and it was beautiful.

"the moon is beautiful isn't it?" he asked as i smiled at him.

"it is."

a/n: 👀👀👀👀👀 so are you team Jimin or team Taehyung?

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now