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No one, that's right.

I'm just a no body and he is a somebody.

he has everything, and i have nothing.

crazy how we used to live in the same world now he is out of my league.

let's just say when puberty came through, it chose to hit me with a fucking  slipper but to him? it hit like a mf truck, that's why we built different now.

my school life isn't that bad, but school is still school.

there are people who always be on the spotlight by just breathing, Taehyung is one of them.

me? man, I'm fine being an ordinary student here.

fuck that I'm not ordinary, my grades are top tier, i should give my self more credits.

i came from a family of 5, i have 1 older sister who lives in Dubai now, working as a flight attendant, living her best life.

so my house now only consist of my parents who are still up to this day as in love as they used to, my dad owns a cute bakery that is considered as a cool place for kids my age to hang, and my mom is a well known chef here in Korea.

so yeah, my family have their own speciality as for me? i don't know what i want to do with my life just yet, i just do my best as an 18 years old.

oh and people called me Minmin, my name is Go Min Ji, did i say my family consist of 5?

yeah that includes my lovely hamster named Neo, who's been judging me from his little cage.

"i know Neo! i know! i need to calm my tits right?"

yeah since the almighty Kim Taehyung sent me, scratch that, accidentally sent me, a blurry selca of him wearing nothing at all and exposed his collarbone, I've been so restless.

i just see his collarbone, a bare fucking collarbone and i almost shit my pants, of course Neo be judging me like I'm a madman.

cmon now, i still need to know who u r, i know how popular my brother is, he has a fan base dedicated just for him, wouldn't want that pic of him leaked to the internet.

right, despite being so attractive, he is also famous now.

he has a lot of followers on his Instagram, the man basically a model.

Minmin, that's what they called me.

ok, Minmin, pls don't leaked his picture to the internet, i can't deal with another internet collapse caused by him.

yeah this bitch is so iconic that everything he does and post, will instantly become trending and people all over the internet will talk about it for a week.

dammit, we are that jobless i guess.

I'm not that crazy ok and idc abt him that much so chill.


i have been crushing on him since forever, who doesn't have a crush on him anyways? but i didn't thought about my feelings for him that much because first he has so many fans, we do go to school together but it's hard to approach him.

second, i may be crushing on him but my grades are still my top priorities.

third, i don't want to deal with his fans breathing down my neck if they know i made a move on him or even go anywhere near him.

plus it's just a crush, i will get over him once we graduate.

i hope.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now