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"how could you lose me when you never have me Tae?"

Her words never hurts this much before, i hate that it's true and i can't deny it.

"i was never yours to begin with Tae." 

"then let me change that Min.." i told her as i step forward to her, taking all the spaces between the two of us.

i can feel her breathe on my face, our nose touching each other.

"what do you think you are doing Tae?!" she asked, i looked at her again.

"this." as i put my lips on hers.

those lips, those pretty lips that i have always wanted to taste, as expected from her, it's sweet and taste like cherry.

i guess that's the flavor of her lip balm, she picked the right lip balm.

"sweet as expected." and then she slapped me.

fuck that hurts.

"don't cross the line!" she says and leave me with a stinging pain on my left cheek.

but frankly it didn't hurt as much, the fact that she slapped me and practically rejected me just now hurts more.

have i lost you Min? for real?

She was never mine, but there was hope for me before.

Her eyes always sparkled whenever she saw me, and it's not there anymore.

I was a priority to her, a special person to her that she would drop anything she does just for me.

Now she barely even reply to any of my messages, she barely care anymore when i got mad at her for hanging out with Jimin too much.

Jimin, there is a reason why i don't like him.

Because before all of this, before me getting all the fame and became a model, i was a Jimin in Min's life.

I shared my special place with her, just like Jimin share his special place with her now, that abandoned building in the middle of the forest where he poured all of his problems now it's their special and safe place.

I was her safe place, now I'm the problem and he is her safe place.

She hates to be seen with me in public but wouldn't mind it with Jimin, because all i did to her was hurting her by being seen with her.

that makes me hate Jimin even more because maybe deep down i know he can treat her better than i did, i can tell.

he wouldn't leave her because the terror that his fans would give her like i did, he would protect her with all his got and would choose her any day than fame, unlike me.

he took my place in her life and i still can't accept that.

call me toxic, selfish and many more.

i just can't bear with the fact that I'm losing her, i might never had her but she was never been this distant before.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now