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"Oh God, Jimin!"

he was laying on the cold hard ground, groaning as he was in pain.

"Jesus! come on let's take you to the hospital." i said as i helped him to get up on his feet.

"no, don't!" he says.


"i said don't"

"okay, well let me take care of your bruises, you got hurt because of me." i said as i brought him to the nursery room.

"sit there" i said as i pointed out an empty bed and look for a first aid kit to heal his bruises.

"ouch!" he winced as i put some of the alcohol on his bruises.

"sorry-" i told him as i continue to take care of him.

i have never been this close with him before, he has the most beautiful lips and i just realized it now, unconsciously my other hand moved on it's own to touch his lips, my heart skipped a beat as i did that and the more i pay attention to the details of his face, the more i can feel my heart beats harder than usual.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to touch-" i said as i tried to took off my hands from his face, although he stopped me from it.

"i like it." he said as he put my hand back to his lips, and let my hand wonder to his face, feeling his soft skin on the palm of my hand.

"but i like it more if it was your lips on mine." he said as he pulled me closer and kissed me.

what just happened?! it feels like my heart just explode, his lips feel so soft on mine, i can't stop him.

in fact, i don't want him to stop, my body, my heart crave his touch.

"fuck-" he says in between of our kisses

"you know that the moment your lips touch mine, i will never let you go right?" he whispers as i nodded.

"i don't want you to let go of me." i said as  he put me on his lap with both of his hand holding my waist as we continue our make out session.

"you are so addicting Min." he said in his raspy voice, what has he done to me?

our kiss got deeper and deeper, as i can slowly taste the blood on his lips from earlier fight with Taehyung.

"I'm sorry that he did this to you chim." i said as i touch his lips with care after the kiss we just shared.

"hey, no don't be sorry, he was being aggressively to you, it was only right that i stopped him from hurting you even more."

"it's my fault." i told him as he caressed my cheeks and wipe my tears away.

"no, he just can't handle rejection quite well." he told me as i blinked at him.

"how do you-"

"i followed the 2 of you, and well i intentionally listening to your conversation with him, safe for me to say that he loves you so much that he became selfish."

i sighed at his explanation.

"i didn't mean to hurt him, i feel like an asshole to him Chim, i acted like a total bitch after i found out about Yunji and him, i know I'm not a saint but it's just the way he can just throw her away like nothing happened after he slept with her multiple time, makes me want to throw up. the Taehyung that i used to know wasn't like that, he was warm and sweet that's why i fell in love with him but i guess i only loved the old him? i guess i can't accept the fact that he has changed, and that people change a lot, he isn't the same person anymore, i just it feels so strange around him, it feels like i don't know who he is anymore."

i said as he was listening to me carefully, his eyes looked deeply to me.

"why are you staring at me like that chim?"

"like what?"

"i don't know, like that.."

"like i want to listen to your rant everyday for the rest of your life? because yes, i would listen to you talking about everything that bothers you for the rest of my life, why? because your voice sounds like music to me."

i know how flirtious he is, i never really mind it before simply because i didn't care. now? now my heart feels like exploding every time he talks to me that way.

i never need a compliment from anyone, now his compliment can makes my day 10x better.


I'm crazy for him.

"just shut up Chim!" i yelled as i left him alone, not because i hate him but fuck i don't know how to act anymore.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now