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"how are things between you and Go Min Ji?"

never, i have never seen Jungkook give a shit about my love life, this was the first.

"what are you talking about? she and i are friends."

for now though.

"bullshit." he responded.

"I'm serious we are just friends."

He just laughed at me.

"good, stay that way."

that was unexpected?

"why?" i asked.

"Tae, as your friend i just want to look out for you, you can date anyone but her."

no, not this bullshit again.

"why? because she isn't as hot as those girls you date? because she isn't a part of this crowd? because you are scared that me dating a girl like her will ruin your reputation as the golden boy?"

he raised one of his eyebrow at my sudden burst, he didn't look so happy with the way i react to his answer.

"why are you getting so defensive? it's not about my reputation, it's about the fact that she will break your heart, or the other way around, you will break each other hearts and that's a fact."

"and how do you know that?! you don't know a thing about my feelings, don't act like you care."

"i do care about you, you are my friend, do you forgetting the fact that in this school she and her friends are the ones who in charge to expose people secrets? we can't even hate or sue them because they are telling the truth, and WE HAVE SO MANY UNTOLD TRUTHS, that one day will be told not by us but them."

our untold truths...

it's untold for a reason.

the way people will see us differently if they see the real us.

"keep in mind that we have so many people who love us and at the same time hate us, we are loved and hated at the same time, i don't know what secrets you keep Tae, and i don't intend to find out either it's hidden for a reason but other people? they are dying to know."

he then left, leaving me too stunned to speak because everything that he says actually makes sense.

my 🌿 is typing...

when r u going to finish that typing?

my 🌿:
hehe u caught me

why? miss me already? 😏

my 🌿:

me: what's up then?

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what's up then?

my 🌿:
nothing just bored.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now