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Special, he has always been special to me, every single time that i spent with him has always been special. Because he is a special one, not just to me but to everyone else as well.

I love being with him, it makes me feel a lot of things at once.

he can manage to makes me smile every time I'm with him, the little thing he does to me makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the whole universe.

but that's only when we are alone.

"oofff, Jungkook needs me for our campaign, see you around sweetheart."

the moment he left to do something or hanging out with his crowds, he left me thinking a lot of things.

there is so many what if clouding my mind when he left.

what is he up to? what is he hiding from me? from everyone else?

what if the secret involves me? what if i won't be able to accept his secret because it will hurt me?

what if one day I'll be the one who hurts him at the end?

"Min? hey!"

a voice wake me up from my worries.

"oh? Jimin? what's up?"

he gives me a look of confused.

"are you serious? you are my tutor remember?"

Right, if he didn't come and approach me in this library, i would have completely forgotten it.

this isn't good, I'm starting to get distracted from my responsibility.

ugh, Kim Taehyung this is your fault.

"oh right, sorry." i told him, but Park Jimin is someone who knows when something is off, don't ask me how and why it's like he has his own radar, just like Yoongi and Hyojin, God why am i even be friends with these types of people? i can't keep secrets from them, they always know when I'm sad or mad or whatever.

"okay, as your one and only student and a sexy one at that, minmin, today i give you a day off and let's just have fun! you look messed up, not physically but mentally."

see, he can see right through me, am i really that easy to read?

"I'm fine."

"no you aren't." he says as he gives me his cute eye smile and took my hand in his.

"where are we going?"

"a place where only i know." he says as he winked at me.

"you aren't some runaway serial killer who will kill me when he has a chance right?"

he then smirked at me, his face move closer to mine, utterly close that i can smell his minty breathe.

"i don't know, am i? come and see if I'm one or not." he says as he then laughed and play with my hair, more like ruining it.

this side of Jimin makes me forget that he is a fuck boy who fuck around and breaking people hearts here and there, this is his new side that i just unlocked.

this sweet comforting side of him that I'm sure not a lot of people can see.


"I'm starting to believe that you are in fact a serial killer, seriously? an abandoned building Jim? what are you going to do? knocked me out and kill me?" i joked around as he laughs

"if that so, then that makes you a stupid victim of mine."

okay, that's fair enough.

"shit, you are right, let me just run away from you and asking for help."

i responded as he laugh at that, he laugh a lot today.

"you must be in a very good mood these days."

he raised one of his eyebrow at me.

"what makes you say that?" he asked.

"you've been laughing and smiling a lot lately, it's so refreshing seeing you like this Jim, most of the time you just smirks and give people a resting scary face."

i told him as he blinked at that, probably just realising it.

"really? i do?"

he asked as i nodded.

"well that's because i have found a reason to smile and be happier lately." he says as he look at me and smile.

"really? what's that?"

"that's a secret, i will tell you when I'm ready. for now, it remains a secret." he says as i then continue to follow him.

a rooftop.

"you aren't going to push me off this roof, are you?"

"i will." he answer jokingly of course.

"so what's the story? why is this place became your special place to hide?"

he just look at me and starts to explain him self.

"frankly speaking, i moved here because as i told you before, i got into a trouble, i hate to move to another place but i also hate to stay, Seoul is one big city, it's crowded and never sleeps, and that's the beauty of big cities like Seoul, it gives you so many things and at the same time it took everything from you." he said.

"and it took away my happiness, it took away the family i used to feel safe with, it changed them into a selfish and cunning one."

I guess even a fuck boy like him has a story to tell.

"everything moves and grow so fast in Seoul and if you can't adjust, you will be left behind, in order to adjust you have to change, and they changed, all they care about is money and a position they trying to keep, there is no family dinner anymore, there is no how are you, there is no kisses on my forehead before i go to sleep, there is no how was your day, it made me sick, that's why i fuck around, i made trouble just to have my parents attention, but even then it only brings them to a divorce, they blamed each other."


"my father accused my mom that she couldn't be a good mother and never took care of her own son and only care about her group of a socialite friends, my mother accused him to never care about family and only care about work, that's what a big city like Seoul ruins you with it's beauty."

i pulled him to an embrace as he told me his story, he doesn't have to continue for me to understand why he chose this place out of so many places in this city, he felt abandoned and broken just like this building and yet he find peace in this place, that's why it became his special place, it remind him of how broken his life and family is and that he isn't alone, this building might be abandoned but to him it's just like him and he feel safe.

"this place makes you feel safe." i answered him as he nod.

"do me a favour and don't tell anyone about this place Min, i only bring you here because you are my only friend that i trust and feel safe to be around."

"i won't tell anyone, i promise."

"thank you, now i know you have something bothering your mind, you can let it out, scream as much as you want i won't judge or if you don't want me to listen, i can put on an earphone and i won't know a thing, or you can write down your problems and burn it."

"I'll just write it down and burn it." i told him as he nods and give me a piece of paper and a pen for me to write down my problem.

"and here is your lighter." he told me as i start to write down mine.

let's start with my feelings for Kim Taehyung.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now