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JIN: can we talk?

Since the video of Yunji killed her self and her diary that fill with my name in it was all over the internet, Jungkook and i are currently in a non speaking term.

Jungkook probably got triggered by it and chose to ignore everyone especially me.

Jin is the only person here between 3 of us who still wants to talk to me.

ME: we can if i could, my house is full with paparazzi.

JIN: don't worry, Minji and i can do something abt it.

ME: Minji? my minmin?

JIN: yea, your minmin, she's been up all night trying to save your reputation, so now she wants to talk to u too.

Finally, I've been missing her.

ME: 🥺🥺🥺 ok, careful guys. tell her i love her.

JIN: tell her that ur self.

ME: will do 🥺

*2 hours later*

My door bell finally rang, means Jin and Minji had successfully enter the building.

I welcome them with an excited smile on my face, how could i not? I've been staying in this place for many days and haven't even got a chance to step outside and touch some grass.

of course I'm excited to see them, mostly her.

"Min.." she just look at me.

"can i come in?" she asked nervously.

"OF COURSE!" i answered her a bit too excited, that startled her.

"okay." she then took off her shoes and made her way in.

"so." Jin says as he start a conversation.

"Minji, Hyojin, Jimin and i had been trying to find Yoongi for the past days."

i nod as i listen to them.

"wait, what does Yoongi has anything to do with Yunji?" i asked as Minji rolled her eyes.

okay, she isn't mad but she is for sure annoyed.


she yelled as her eyes widen in annoyance.

"okay." i said as i looked down, not to cry but to try hard not to laugh, her outburst wasn't even scary, but i know she is still pissed and annoyed so i try not to laugh or she will be mad at me again.

"do you know where Yunji lived?" Jin asked me, Jin knew about Yunji, me and Jungkook but he never want to get involved with Yunji drama, so he isn't that close with Yunji.

"yeah, why?"

"we need to find her diary, to find the proof that you aren't the father and that her death wasn't your responsibility Tae." Minji said in a serious tone, she isn't playing.

"you would do that? for me?"

i asked as a tiny tears run down my face, i was so touched by her, this whole time i thought she doesn't care about me anymore because she is mad at me, but i was wrong.

"I'm still angry with you don't flutter your self." she says as i can't help but to smile.

she really cares and doesn't leave me alone.

"yes sorry." i told her as she gave me a piece of paper.

"write down her address." she told me as i do so.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now