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Here we are, sitting right in front of each other, him in his grey hoodie as for me still in my hamtaro pajamas.

"Taehyung-ah, it's been so long since you came here, what brings you here?" my dad asked him as he joined us serving him, his all time favourite strawberry cake and just a warm sweet tea for me.

"i was jogging around the area and smelled your delicious baking from the outside, so i decided to visit and i really miss your strawberry cake Mr. Go."

right, Taehyung used to come by to my house when we were a child to play and asked for my dad's strawberry cake.

"you should come more often then! i haven't see you in so long now you have grown up into a very handsome young man."

"will do sir!"

My dad just smiles at him as he finally left the 2 of us alone, sitting awkwardly as i took a sip of my warm tea.

"so, how have you been?" he asked me, more like he initiated a conversation with me.

"cut the chase already, what do you want Taehyung?"

he just chuckled.

"you are always so straightforward."

he took another bite of his cake as he look at me.

"i was drunk, because my girlfriend well ex girlfriend broke up with me, she dumped me for some college kid she been talking to lately."

how does that has anything to do with me?

"i didn't ask but ok, sorry for your lost?"

didn't know he had a girlfriend, no body knew.

"hey! she isn't dead." he protested.

"your relationship is." i told him as he sighed.

"whatever, i just feel like talking to you and if it's possible i need your help."

he says as he gave me a puppy eyes, this is not good.

"whatever it is, don't even try, the answer is no."

he then pouts at my answer, fuck that pouts I'm a tough bitch.

"fine, i guess my brother already told you not to leak my precious, scandalous picture last night?"

i nodded at him as he then pat my hair.

"Minmin, can we be friends again like the old times? i miss us. you are the only friend who gets me."

no, because i never see you as my friend, you are more than that.

"i don't like associating my self with you Tae, you know i hate attention so much."

he frowned at my answer but then his eyes lit up again, as if he just got himself a brilliant idea.

"okay, how about text buddies? therefore you don't have to approach me in school but we can still talk."

that's actually not so bad.

"fine, text buddies it is."

he then smiled and pulled me to his embrace, this is one of his habits that always giving me heart attack.

hugs, he loves physical touch so much, but to me it's personal.

my heart beats faster than Agust. D raps whenever he does that.

"alright, so text buddies, since you are already here, who is this girl that dumped you?"

his facial expressions change from joy to annoyed real quick at the mention of that, it's scary.

"Shira Lee, from the drama club."

I know her, who doesn't? she is hot.

"you scored a hottie huh, but it's funny because i never heard people actually talk about you both, no one really knows that you two were dating."

he nodded at that agreeing.

"better that way Min."

"but Shira is so pretty."

"i know, that's why she got so many boys waiting for me to messed up so they can date her, but well it happened and now she is dating a college kid, she told me that being with me is no fun. she basically called me boring!"

i then let out the loudest laugh in the history of human evolution.

"WHAT? if your fans know, she is so done for." i told him as i can't stop my laugh.

this is so unexpected.

"you seem so happy over my misery." he stated as he rolled his eyes at my reaction to his break ups story.

"no this is just hilarious, boring? you? i never thought that would happens to you i guess."

he shrugged his shoulder with an annoyed face as he saw me laughing my ass off.

"okay sorry, let me just get my shit together." i told him as i try so hard not to laugh again.

"you will get over her Tae." i told him as he shrugged his shoulder again.

"this is why I never let people in or date anyone, the more people i let into my life, the more painful it will get when they leave."

"but you just let me in to your life."

yeah, and now I'm scared.

"I'll block your number then?"

he widen his eyes at my threats as i chuckled at him.

"don't do that please, I can't talk about things with Jeongguk like i can with you."

you talk and i fall, how does that work? i don't even fucking know, but it is how it is.

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now