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sooner or later i know it will reach to her, and i thought i will be ready.

but here i am again alone in this broken abandoned building, with a white smoke i just inhaled from the cigarette in between my fingers.

i look down from where I'm standing, wondering what would happen if i jump? but i can't even find my self to do that, i can't i keep thinking of how Min Ji would react if i did that.

I'd rather see her hate me than crying for me when I'm gone, i could never bear the thought of hurting her in any way.

maybe i should have just told her what really happened a year ago, but will she believe me? no one believe me when i told them the truth, so i decided to keep things to my self even though it's suffocating me.

i couldn't bring my self to sleep anymore since that day, i have been lacking sleep, and that happened until i met Min Ji.

she kind of gave me hope that there is someone out there who will believe me even though people take me as the villain in everyone story.

i used to people calling me the asshole that i starting to believe that I'm an asshole and i became an asshole.

Min Ji: i know u still need to clear up ur mind, but i really need to hear it from u, someone been sending me emails about ur past, i can help u, i just need u to come clean.

I've seen it coming, alright maybe it's time to speak up.


the pictures and a video of me naked in bed with her was displayed in her room as i let a tear dropped from my eyes.

"would you please stop that tape? i can't watch it." i said as she stopped that and look at me.

"so, do you want to tell me everything?" she asked as she wipe a tear from my face.

"will you believe me if i told you that i was actually the victim in that tape?"

she nods as i continue to tell her everything.

Seoul, May 2022.

"miss, where are you taking me?" i asked, as she just smiled at me, she gave me the kind of smile that will give you a suspicion and uncomfortable feeling, but my parents paid her a good amount of money to taught me so i can get good grades.

she brought me to her house, and told me to sit in her room, well her and Mr. Han room, she is my principal wife and apparently was a tutor of mine.

as i wait for her in the bedroom, she was out in the kitchen and came back with 2 cup of tea, one for me and one for her.

"here, have some tea and relax Jimin." listen i didn't have any suspicion toward her because my intention was pretty clear, i wanted to get good grades so i study hard, i wasn't exactly a good student, i was pretty wild one, got in trouble quite often and was a fuck boy as well, but never in my dictionary was i ever want to fuck her. i respected her as my tutor and i wanted to change into a better student, i wanted to prove my dad that i can make him proud.

so i drank that tea without knowing that she put something in that tea to made me went overboard.

"Mrs. Han, what did you do to me?" i asked her as her hands was already all over my body, i was in heat, my body responded to her touch in a weird way, although i kept telling her to stop.

i kept saying no multiple times, but she keep doing it and i was under her control, i couldn't fight it and i felt disgusted of my self.

after that she told me "i knew you were such a catch, i always imagined to have you inside me pretty boy."

"I'm your student, you just assaulted me sexually! you sick predator!"

"you wanted it too."

"no i didn't!"

"your body reacted differently."

"you drugged me."

"oh please, you always dreamed of fucking me too, i know you do, i always pay attention of how you look at me in class with that hungry eyes."

"what the fuck Mrs. Han, i paid attention to your lesson what else was i supposed to do?!"

"don't give me excuses! you wanted me as much as i wanted you, i expect you to be here at the same time tomorrow or everyone will know what you did to me." she said as i look at her in horror.

"you raped me Mrs. Han, i never do anything to you!"

"say whatever you want and see who will believe you."

of course the next day i didn't come, i didn't even go to school, i was too scared to see her.

i thought i was safe at home, but she came to visit and my mother let her into my room.

she did it again as i wasn't feeling well after the horrifying event that happened yesterday, she never left me alone i got sick of her so i tried to tell my father.

but to my surprised he didn't believe a word that came out from my mouth and all i got was a good punch from him.

"you disgusting piece of shit, you disappointed me! raped? you are a guy! how could she ever raped you? she is a woman! you are stronger than her physically there is no way that she can do that to you!"

"she drugged me!"


"i didn't! I'm telling the truth dad why would i lie?!"

"why wouldn't you lie? you always been a trouble maker, do you realize how bad your reputation is?! people see you as this man whore who fuck around, and now you want me to believe that you were raped by your own tutor?! are you hearing your self?! what do you think people will say about you?!"

and that was the day i know i had no hope, not a single soul would believe anything that came out from my mouth because I'm a guy and our society believe that a guy can't be sexually assaulted by anyone especially a middle aged woman in her 50's.

it didn't stop there, i found my self in a darkness, i had no hope.

so once i had enough of her touching me, i beat the shit out of her, i fought her and  got her hospitalized for a few months.

i got expelled because i beat her up, my dad was raging and beat the shit out of me after taking care of my case, he negotiated with Mr. Han to not sue me, paid him a good amount of money to let me free and even wrote me a recommendation letter to transfer to a new school.


she pulled me to her embrace after i told her everything, it felt so good to finally have someone who believed in me.

"i will stand by you Jimin, you have me, i will always be here for you." she says as she cried her eyes out.

"you aren't disgusted?"

"why would i? you didn't do anything wrong."

"but i beat up a middle aged woman."

"it was self defense." she said as i look at her with awe.

i fell in love with the right one.

"all we have to do now is to find out who is this anon and stop them to spread more lies about you Jimin, you have suffered enough, i won't let you suffer anymore. you got me."

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now