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the next day after that anonymous email we received, we are tracking the IP Address with the help of none other but Kim Namjoon, yes Taehyung's brother.

don't ask me how awkward it is for me to show up in his house with Jimin and Taehyung keep sending us glares.

"feel free to have your self a drink, it's in the refrigerator you know where it is Min Ji, you have been here couple of times." 

so i did find my self a drink in the kitchen with Taehyung standing right next to me, i didn't even bother to say anything to him, i will not talk to him until he say sorry.

"so you are just going to walk into my house with Jimin after you brutally rejected me and humiliated me in front of everyone and going to act like I'm invisible now?!"

"humiliated you? you slut shamed me in front of everyone! don't act like I'm the bad guy Taehyung, i had every right to reject you and not wanting to date you because I'm a human and i can say no."

he scoffed at my answer as I'm starting to lose my patience towards him.

"nah ah! you don't get to do that! I'm so fucking tired of you Taehyung! i saved your reputation and i can destroy it again, don't fucking play with me or even try me, once I've had enough of how much of an asshole you are right now i will end you."

"then end me Min Ji, i don't care anymore." he said, this time i can feel the pain in his voice when he said that.

"what's wrong with you?!" i asked as i can see his wet longing eyes staring deep into my soul.

"that shouldn't concern you, don't act like you give a fuck about me Minji, you don't want me then stop caring about me."

"we were best friends Tae, i can't just stop caring about you."

"if i can slut shamed you in front of everyone in school, I'm pretty sure you can stop caring about me, i hurt you."

"you did hurt me, but if you feel guilty about it you can always say you are sorry and i will always forgive you!"

he look at me with doe eye as he then started to cry loudly, this is the side of Taehyung that no one knows but me.

"I'm so sorry, i was so hurt that you rejected me, i love you too much that i hate to see you with him, i hate to see you genuinely happy and comfortable with him, i couldn't give you that. i was selfish." he said.

"i forgive you Taetae, it's okay I'm over it."

"he treats you better than i did."

"he does."

"why are you here by the way?"

"well let's just say someone threatened Jimin with his past."


"not my story to tell Tae."

"okay, i hope things get better for him."


"okay so i found the IP Address, and the information about this anonymous."

Namjoon said as we immediately paid our attention to him.

"that's her address...."

Jimin said as i hold his hand, i can feel him getting anxious from the information we are having right now.

"her? as in the tutor?" Namjoon asked as Jimin nodded with glossy eyes.

"we can sue her." Namjoon said as Jimin look at him with hopeful eyes.

"really? how?"

"this can be our prove that she's been harassing you online, with inappropriate pictures of you that she took without your consent, and to our luck you were still underage when she drugged you right? we can sue her for that as well."

Jimin eyes lit up as he listened to Namjoon.

"she threatens to spread this pictures online." i said as i received another email from her.

"what did she say?"

"i wonder how people will react when they hear you moan, I'm definitely drenched." i told them as i was mortified reading her emails.

"she is sick in her head." Namjoon said in anger.

"she is obsessed with you." i said to Jimin as he sighs.

"I'm scared of her." he said as i comfort him.

she didn't stop there, she keep sending me emails.

"you wanted to stop me Min Ji?"

what the fuck?

"let me see him."

i read it out loud so everyone knows.

"no, you are not going anywhere near her Jimin, i will not let you go anywhere near her." i told him

"no i should see her, maybe we can set her up?"

he asked, he just wanted this to get over with.

"from what i heard and see Jimin, this bitch is crazy and will do anything to have you again." Namjoon said as he doesn't take Jimin idea as a good one.

"then what do we do?"

"we can tell her to meet you somewhere, but you don't have to meet her, I'll take care of the rest. you shouldn't worry too much. i have enough connection with the authorities to put her in jail and Min Ji will do what she's best at."


"ending her whole career, after this she will not be able to get a job, not even a job people will see her as nothing but a criminal, Min Ji you are good at making the public hate someone by your words so make them hate her as much as she deserves it." Namjoon said as i nod at him.

"i will."

REPUTATION | PJM X OC (TO BE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now