Chapter 1. Blindspots

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            It was a clear night sky in the Yorkshire dales, stars twinkled down upon a small village tucked away into the countryside. A young witch watched from her attic window as she tapped her quill against her parchment exasperatedly. She sighed, wrapping a slender finger around a long wavy lock of hair and twisting the soft creamy blonde hair around it, her eyes were vacant as she stared out into the silver dotted sky. The sound of a door closing on the ground floor grabbed the young witch's attention, and then the unmistakable sound of two male voices piqued her interest. She dropped the quill to her desk and rose from her wooden chair. As lightly as she could she tiptoed over to her own door, cracking it open just a smidge to listen in.

            "I don't trust that slimey fuck Albus," The witch recognised as the rough voice of her father. "You shouldn't either,"

            "I trust Severus with my life," The second voice replied, this man sounded older, wiser.

            "For all we know he helped that lad get one over on me and provided him the ingredients for the Polyjuice potion, ever thought of that?" Her father asked raising his voice.

            "It's crossed my mind, but I know Severus, I know what he's capable of, Alastor, he can be trusted. Besides I doubt Severus will have any interest in the goings on of your daughter,"

            "I asked you to find somewhere for her to be safe, Hogwarts was not the top of my list of safe places Albus, especially since you have a known former death eater in your service," Alastor said with a huff. Astrid furrowed her brows as she listened in on the conversation, creaking her door open just a little bit more. "How can you guarantee her safety after the fuck of a year we just had, me imprisoned on school grounds, a student dead?" asked with a sigh, after years of hunting death eaters, and sometimes being the hunted, Alastor Moody had become over-cautious, almost paranoid, especially when it came to the safety of his only child, that was why he sent her to Beauxbatons Academy and not the famed school of Hogwarts.

He believed his daughter was safer across the English Channel, he had put many a witch and wizard away during the first wizarding war and didn't want his reputation to affect Astrid's school life. Of course, after she had graduated, she didn't stay in France, Astrid moved in with her grandparents, Alastors parents. Both magical people like themselves, but they were gentle, kind, moral folk, not Aurors. Since the Dark Lords return Alastor had taken Astrid from their home and hopped safe house to safe house, not even daring to leave her with other Order of the Phoenix members.

            "Former being the operative word Alastor. Of course, I know you love your daughter greatly but you are holding her back, she is a young woman now, a talented brilliant capable young woman, not a girl, I have a position waiting for her at the school," Albus informed the man. Astrid's brows knitted together curiously, she had heard so much about Hogwarts from her father, good and bad. A position at the school would be.... Interesting, and a far cry different to her current situation, she could feel the warmth of independence as she thought about the possibility of standing on her own two feet as a staff member at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Alastor nodded at the elder wizard to go on. "I decided it's time for Professor Binns to finally relieve his position to a younger professor,"

            "Professor Binns has haunted that classroom for twenty years, the man refused to quit even when he died, do you think he's just going to just give up the position?" Alastor asked, with a hint of chuckle masked by worry. He had told Astrid of the ghost that teaches at Hogwarts school, it wasn't news to her, in fact her interest deepened.

            "Let's just say I convinced him we should bring a younger perspective in, breathe some... life into the class," Dumbledore chuckled lightly, "Perhaps the children will stop falling asleep at their desks with Astrids tutorship? Hogwarts is the safest place for her, and perhaps she will finally, as they say, find her wings and flourish" Albus concluded.

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