Chapter 46. Sword of Gryffindor

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Trigger warning: attempted non-consensual relations.


Severus didn't come back that morning, or that day, or the next... or the one after that. The Carrows seemed suspicious of his absence... it appeared the headmaster had informed nobody of his whereabouts.

            "Where your master wench?" Amycus asked, slamming his fist down next to Astrid's dinner plate in the Great Hall. He leant over her in her chair, a hand either side of her on the table, his lips hissed in her ear, "I've been four times to see him... and he's nowhere to be found... he's supposed to inform us if he ever leaves the grounds..."

            "He's... been popping in and out of the forbidden forest, conducting business for... the Dark Lord." Astrid lied. She lied to protect the students, and to protect herself, as long as the Carrows believed Snape to be in Hogwarts, on the grounds, he was still in charge and they were kept muzzled.

            "What business?" Amycus spat. Eyes were starting to be drawn to the pair, of staff and students. The great hall was already in silence at meal times, and now it was like you could drop a pin and still hear it from the other side.

            "You think he'd tell me?" Astrid scoffed as she cut up her meat pie. Amycus sneered at her before pulling himself away and retreating back to his seat next to his sister, who shot Astrid evils down the table.

            Neville, Luna and Ginny watched the confrontation out of the corner of their eyes.


            "Mr Finnigan, please make sure you bring your essay to tomorrows lesson, I'm trying to be relaxed as I can with the rules and with negative enforcement but I need that essay." Astrid sighed as she passed his desk. She had made the decision to return to the classroom before the week was up, moping alone in her chambers was not doing her any help.

            "Yes, professor, you'll have it tomorrow I promise." The boy sighed.

            "Alright everybody you're dismissed, to your common rooms," Astrid announced as she rounded her desk and sat at her chair. She watched carefully as the students formed lines out of the classroom and marched to their houses, something Snape had introduced the previous week to keep order.

            A couple of students had hung back, and Astrid correctly guessed which two it would be.

            "Miss Lovegood, Mr Longbottom, something I can help you with?" Astrid asked as she neatened a pile of essays on her desk.

            "We were just wondering..." Neville started.

            "Is it true the headmaster is away?" Luna asked in her usual dreamy tone.

            "We heard Carrow speaking to you yesterday... in fact I think the whole school did..." Neville said awkwardly, adjusting the bag on his shoulder. Astrid looked about for spying eyes before whispering:

            "I have no idea where he is, I haven't seen him for days," she told the duo. Neville and Luna looked at each other, a small smile on their face.

            "There's something we need, in Snapes office." Neville whispered.

            "Whatever it is, he will notice it missing, I assure you." Astrid breathed, trying to disparage them from breaking in and taking whatever, it was they wanted.

            "He most certainly would notice, it's the sword of Gryffindor... but it's for Harry," Luna whispered with a small smile.

            "For Harry? You've heard from him?"

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