Chapter 5. Disloyalty

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The next two weeks went by rather smoothly, Astrid kept under the radar, she hadn't spoken a word to Professor Snape and hadn't even seen Mr Malfoy sauntering around the castle. Astrid had noticed something peculiar though, as she was pacing the classroom checking her pupils work over their shoulders she noticed a strange scar on Harry's left hand, 'I must not tell lies" was etched into his skin as clear as day.

"Mr Potter may I have a word?" Astrid called out as she dismissed her class, the Slytherin boys led by a certain Draco Malfoy erupted into 'ooohs' which Astrid did her best to ignore, she had tried to turn a blind eye to the behaviour of Little Mr Malfoy for fear of another visit from his father.

"Is everything okay Professor?" Harry asked hiding his left hand in a trouser pocket. "That's what I was going to ask you," Astrid sighed stepping around her desk she approached the boy. "Show me your hand," Harry held out his right hand nervously. "No, your other hand," Astrid pushed. Eventually Harry pulled the scarred hand out of his pocket and presented it to his professor.

"Merlin's beard Harry," The scar looked even worse close up, It almost looked like a burn, he must have been in so much pain Astrid thought to herself. "Have you been to Dumbledore about this?"

"He's got too much on to worry about this kind of thing," Harry dismissed the subject.

"Well I don't Harry, I can't sit by and let someone do this to you, I bet you're not even the only pupil facing this punishment, who is it?" Astrid asked. "Snape?" She guessed. Harry shook his head no. "Umbridge?" She guessed again. Harry nodded his head yes faintly.

"What a horrible cow she is, don't worry Harry I'm going to sort it." Astrid reassured the boy.

"No!" He protested, "Please don't,"

"I must Harry," Astrid pushed.

"You can't, Mad eye said-" Harry stopped his sentence abruptly. Astrid narrowed her eyes on the lad.

"My father said what?" Harry shifted uncomfortably under her gaze and eventually fessed up.

"He asked me to keep you out of trouble, to watch out for you, I can't let you confront Umbridge, god knows what she will do, please just drop it," Harry explained, practically begging. Astrid however had stopped listening after 'watch out for you,' as rage had filled her entirely. Her father had asked a boy to look out for her? A grown adult? She felt insulted at her father's lack of trust and belief in her.

"Despite what my father clearly thinks Mr Potter, I am the adult here, I'm supposed to look out for you as my responsibility not the other way around," Astrid spoke, she tried her best not to show how wounded she was, but the welling of her eyes probably gave it away.

"He loves you so much, he just wants you to be safe,"

"And I just want you to be safe Harry, I'm going straight to Umbridge,"


Astrid searched Umbridge's classroom and office first, but she was not there. Unwilling to give up Astrid stormed around the castle looking for the lady in pink, who she eventually found leaving the Great Hall at lunch. Astrid didn't even hesitate, she made a bee line for the woman.

"Professor Umbridge!" Astrid yelled out, getting the woman in pinks immediate attention.

"Professor Moody," Umbridge addressed the girl with a cocked brow and a fake smile. "What can I help you with?"

"You can help me by keeping your torture tactics away from students," Astrid raised her voice at the witch. A crowd of students had begun to gather to watch the dispute, it also seemed to gain the attention of two gentleman dressed in head to toe black leaving the Great Hall.

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