Chapter 60. I Spy

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Three long years had passed, three years since that bloody battle, since many witch and wizard fell, never to stand back up. For the first year Draco watched his father drink himself into a stupor almost every night, awash with the loss of his Astrid and Everly. He searched for them, or rather, had people search for them, to no avail. They were gone, vanished from the wizarding world. He even had to drag his drunken father from the doorstep of the Burrow, as his father demanded her location from the Weasleys. Draco had apologised, the Weasleys had told him they understood his father's pain, and that they didn't know where Astrid and Everly were. Arthur and Kingsley had arranged a lenient sentence for Lucius, in mind of what he had done, even if it was for Astrid and not the cause. When he wasn't drinking, he was helping rebuild Hogwarts. Not with his own hands of course, but with his own money, and the money of his former death eater comrades. He oversaw the rebuild, he was rather meticulous with details, had an eye for design, and a taste for finger things.

In the second year Hogwarts was completed, and Lucius threw himself into other work, he handed Malfoy Manor over to Draco, it would've belonged to the boy eventually anyway he told himself, did it matter when? With what personal fortune he had left he funded and fundraised for various charitable projects, including one he set up designated for those who lost somebody in the war. Selfishly he hoped Astrid to step forward, and seek the help of the charity for her father and Severus' deaths, but she never did.

Slowly he stopped drinking, and started to become more recognisable as his old self, clean shaven, full blonde locks, his skin no longer tired and dull. He didn't dress as grandly, but the over-the-top robes were not something he missed anymore, he felt much more at home now in a simple black suit.

Draco was proud of how far his father had come since he hit rock bottom, three years on he was almost the man he remembered from before the war, but he knew there was an underlying sadness within him, a longing, a loss. There were also other differences... his father lacked the cruelty he once had, he now possessed empathy, patience, generosity. Words he never would have dreamt using to describe his father before.

"Mother is taking Astoria and I out for lunch, I was wondering if you wanted to join us father?" Draco asked from doorway to Lucius' small study. Sat at his desk, Lucius shuffled through various bits of paperwork.

"No, you're quite alright, I have work to be done for Minister Shacklebolt... do enjoy yourself though Draco, and give Miss Greengrass my best," Lucius half smiled from his desk. Draco nodded, closing the door to the study and made his way to the front of the manor. It looked different, compared to in those dark days, no longer did the manor sit under grey thunderous clouds, shrouded in darkness. No, it was much airier, brighter in these peaceful times.

A knock at the door caught Lucius' attention as he scratched his quill on a piece of parchment.

"Draco, I already told you, I have work to do." Lucius sighed from his desk, but when the door opened it was not Draco behind it.

"Mr Potter... I didn't know the ministry were sending an Auror, here to check up on me?" He asked as he went back to his parchment.

"I'm not here to check on you Mr Malfoy," Harry half smiled as he seated himself in an armchair opposite the wizard who once tried to curse him in the halls of Hogwarts.

            "Then to what do I owe your visit?" Lucius smiled, setting down the quill with a sigh.

            "I have news... it might be nothing... but I believe it to be something," Harrys eyes flashed to Lucius' blue ones, which grew wider with anticipation.

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